- The week in focus for week beginning Sunday 9 March 2025
In touch | Check-in | Intercessions
- The week in focus for week beginning Sunday 14 August 2022
In touch | Check-in | Intercessions
- Welcome to my home
Songs, prayers and activities for toddlers based on the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19.1-10)
- The world ablaze - prayers for difficult times
A world ablaze mandala from Daisy Barnes, with prayers of comfort and hope
- Matthew’s messages of hope
Reflections on an extraordinary spring and activities for no ordinary summer
- Refreshed: A service for the new school year
An opportunity to explore hopes and concerns for the coming year
- Worshipping with and within God’s Creation
Siggy Parratt-Halbert explores Forest Church as an approach to environmental sustainability in church life
- Journeying – the road we take in faith
A set of resources for creating a ‘Forest Church’ style outdoor act of worship.
- Paying attention to the sky
A creation time service for all ages
- Shining in the darkness
Ideas for a church halloween party
- An Advent journey for 2019
Read, pray, reflect and live your faith during Advent |
- Prayers for the Christmas season
Some prayers to use at church and to take home
- Countdown to Christmas
Combining the secular and sacred during December
- Stepping stones Christmas story trail
Resources to help very young children journey through the Christmas story
- The child at the centre
A service for all ages on Christmas Day
- Christmas celebration
Tell the Christmas story with multisensory activities and mini-bunting
- Worship at home April to August 2020
Weekly resources for families and adults to use at home
- Father's Day ideas and prayers
Ideas and prayers for use in a service or as part of a special event |
- The first Easter – a robin’s tale
A robin remembers the events of the first Maunday Thursday to Easter Sunday
- Epiphany reflections
An exploration of the Epiphany season readings from 1 Corinthians using Daisy Barnes' beautiful mandalas
- Drama for children: Time to grow
This drama is ideal for use during Creation Time or at Harvest, and could be performed in an all-age service or school assembly.
- Candlemas resources for children
Use the following materials for a children’s session or choose activities as appropriate for an all-age service.
- Motherhood: the cliché and the reality
A service exploring and celebrating real 21st century motherhood
- Holy Week All age resources
Daily acts of worship for all ages for church or home for Year C
- Introduction to Passion of Christ
Resources for Holy Week based on paintings by Nebiyu Assefa
- Journey to the cross
A service for Good Friday, based on Mark 14.26-15.39
- Celebrating heritage
Jo Williams presents a range of ideas for exploring your local cloud of witnesses
- Rest, and getting ready to start again
Prayers to use at the end of a holiday period before a new term
- All-age service: To boldly go ....
An end of holiday service for those facing new challenges whether at school,
work or home
- Lenten journey
Weekly activity that creates a road of tears to Jerusalem and then transforms into flowers of joy on Easter Day
- Pentecost: Spirit of love
A short, interactive Pentecost celebration for all ages
- Litany to celebrate the centenary of the end of World War One
Elaine Halls offers resources to mark the signing of the Armistice in 1918.
- URC One body many parts
Resources for children, young people and all ages together
- A celebration of wholeness and healing
Suitable for marking St Luke or Healthcare Sunday
- Explore the path of holy living
A service for the All Saints Year C Common Worship lectionary readings: Daniel 7.13,15-18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1.11-23; Luke 6.20-31
- #faithathome with ROOTS 8-14 May Hope
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome 15-21 May Courage
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- Meet Paul - a man with a mission
- #faithathome with ROOTS 22-28 May Love
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome 29 May - 4 June Humility
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome 5-11 June Patience
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome 12-18 June Resilience
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome 19-25 June Kindness
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome with ROOTS 26 June - 2 July Generosity
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome with ROOTS 3-9 July Vulnerability
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome with ROOTS 10-16 July Compassion
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- #faithathome 17-23 July Flourishing
Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
- Journey 2020
School students share their experiences of an extraordinary journey
since schools closed in March
- On the road…with Lily and Isla
- A journey on the road to Emmaus
- Four highlights of the end of school year not to miss
Imogen offers 2020 Journey alternatives
- Learning on the way
A report from Pippa and Jemimah
- Which direction now?
Caitlyn looks back and looks forward
- Together on the journey
Esther and Sophie offer prayers that remind us God is with us on our journey
- Reflections from the Journey 2020 team
- The team behind the Journey 2020 resources
- A summer prayer journey for all ages
Reflections for a summer pilgrimage
- Show me the road
A Spirit-led pilgrimage to celebrate St Columba
- Prayers for the National Day of Reflection Tuesday 23 March 2021
ROOTS is supporting the National Day of Reflection on 23 March, the first anniversary of the UK lockdown, to commemorate this tragic loss of life and to stand together with everyone who’s grieving. |
- Discovering God: Remembrance
Ways to mark and remember important events and people
- Free Lectionary Year Planner: 2021-2022
Revised Common Lectionary readings with Common Worship variations, Year C
- Event pages
- The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022
To help mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year, we have commissioned some special prayers and other resources for you to use in your celebrations.
- Remembering Queen Elizabeth II
Resources and ideas for use in acts of worship, commemorations and other events in remembrance of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
- Remembering victims
Thinking about those who suffer as a result of conflict
- Discovering God: Remembering victims
- ROOTS resources - special offer for Life and Work readers
Find out more about ROOTS and how it can help your intergenerational community flourish
- ROOTS Lectionary Year Planner Year A: 2022-23
Available to view onscreen or as a printable PDF
- Free Lectionary Year Planner: 2022-23
Revised Common Lectionary readings with Common Worship variations, Year A
- Walking in his footsteps
Based on The Stations of the Cross, this act of worship for young people and adults remembers the events of Good Friday.
- Beauty from brokenness
Drawing inspiration from women who create good from difficult experiences
- Temptations and choices
A time to reflect on difficult decisions, temptations, and what we really need.
- King's Coronation Activity Trail - free download
- King's Coronation Activity Trail
A nature trail aimed at ages 5 to 11 to celebrate the coronation of the 'green king'. Print the two A4 pages back to back and then fold to make an A5 leaflet. |
- Still with us - an Ascension service for all ages
An Ascension service for all ages using scenes from Star Wars
- Wow!
Finding beauty and wonder in the unexplainable
- Special offer for delegates at the Methodist Conference
Request a free, new-look magazine - and get four weeks' digital access to our new resources
- New-look resources: coming soon
Be the first to see these new resources...
- Harvest resources
Roots has been resourcing churches with weekly and seasonal materials for 21 years. Try these two free Harvest resources straightaway, and get a free sample of our brand new Harvest Communion resource.
- Bread & Wine - new resources for Holy Communion
To be completed
- Angels
What are we to make of angels? |
- GLOW in the dark
How to host a light party event for 5-11s this autumn
- A Holy Week journey: How to transform the world!
In this flexible resource, Brenda Vance invites us to travel with Jesus to the cross
- Easter Egg Hunt Community Outreach
Invite your local community to join you for an Easter egg hunt in your churchyard or local green space. This is a fun way to get to know local families and build goodwill in your community, as well as sharing the Easter story.
- Big summer holiday bucket list

- Whizz! Bang! Wow! Holiday Club

- Ascension Day for Children & Young People
Resources for Ascension Day focused on Acts 1.1-11
- Resourcing Methodist churches
- Articles
- Under pressure
How church workers can help to support children’s mental health
- Primary School leavers' service
Non-subscriber version

- Reflect for Schools: prototype material
- Resources for back to school / Education Sunday
- The Olympic Challenge
A fun, sports-themed event for the whole community |
- Harvest in the Orchard: a new resource for outdoors

- Space Quest: light party resource

- Nativity trail

- Discovering God