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Prayers for the Christmas season

Some prayers to use at church and to take home

A Christmas Eve prayer

Gracious God:

for children who wait excitedly for the morning, we pray joy; 

for children separated from those they love, we pray comfort;

for children in hospital, we pray healing;

for children in places of violence, we pray safety;

for children who are hungry, we pray sustenance.

For all children, Lord Jesus, child of hope and light of the world;

we pray new blessings,

this Christmas and always.



A reflection: Christmas Eve

In shadows

In light, fragile and flickering

Excited, unprepared

We wait, Lord.


As night dismisses the day and we hover on the cusp of Christmas

We wait

In cautious joy

In unfamiliar expectancy

In tingling hope

In spite of ourselves

We wait


So come, Lord

Come in the first breath of the morning

And call us by name 



Your kingdom come

Lord God,
as we welcome you this Christmas
and celebrate your birth, help us to pray:
with your words, your longing, your hope,
your joy, your compassion.
That your kingdom may truly come
and all creation celebrate your presence among us
through pain and happiness,
where there is need and where there is plenty.
We ask this in the name of Jesus,
Child of the crib and Prince of peace.


Be born in us today

Gracious God,
though we have been slow to make our way to Bethlehem:
Lord Jesus, be born in us today.

Though we didn't notice others
who were struggling on their journey:
Lord Jesus, be born in us today.

When we have forgotten the lonely
and thought only of our own feasts:
Lord Jesus, be born in us today.

As we pray in our homes, our churches, our communities:
Lord Jesus, be born in us today.

As we kneel before your crib,
with angels and shepherds,
with Mary and Joseph,
with sheep and oxen:
Lord Jesus, be born in us today.


The gift of Christmas

Loving God, thank you for the gift of Christmas.
It doesn't come wrapped like other presents,
it’s deeper and warmer and brighter.
It is more personal, more challenging, more beautiful.
It is a mystery, a birth, a hope.
Thank you.
Help us to receive Christmas in our hearts
and to share it with others.
In Jesus’ name.


A Christmas Day Prayer

Jesus, child of the crib,
with Mary, who gave birth to you,
with the innkeeper, who found a stable for you,
with Joseph, who protected you,
with the animals of the stable, who watched over you,
with the angels, who sang of you,
with the shepherds, who ran to you,
with our brothers and sisters throughout the world,
we welcome you.
Jesus, Saviour of the world, we welcome you.


A prayer for the Sunday after Christmas

Jesus, child of the crib,
with Mary, who gave birth to you,
with Joseph, who protected you,
with the people of Nazareth, who welcomed you,
with the Temple teachers, who marvelled at you,
with our brothers and sisters throughout the world,
we welcome you.
Jesus Saviour of the world, we welcome you.

Other special prayers for the Christmas season


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