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Special prayers for the Christmas season

Prayers for use during the season of Christmas

A prayer for carol singers

Lord, the season of Advent is a spiritual journey.
Tonight we gather to set out
on a physical journey round our streets.
We pray for all who hear our voices raised in joyful praise,
that they will sense your presence.
We pray for this area where we live and work:
for the people who welcome us and those who do not;
for the needs that are hidden behind closed doors.
Lord, please shine your ever-present light upon them,
bringing healing, help and hope.


Carol service in church

Lord, we pray for each person here,
and each family represented tonight.
We give thanks
that you hold every single one of us in your hand
and we pray that as we join together in your presence here,
we will take the blessing we receive
out into the cold night air,
then back in to the warmth of our families,
so that our Christmas will be truly filled with your Spirit.


Family thanksgiving for a Christmas tree

Lord, we thank you for this beautiful tree, with all its ornaments,
some collected over many years, each with its own significance.
We thank you for the twinkling lights that remind us
of that star that brought people to your stable,
and the light which only you can bring into our lives.
We thank you for the gifts around the tree,
but at the same time
we remember those less fortunate than us.
Most of all, we thank you that you are
the greatest gift,
and you are here for everyone.


A prayer for parents and carers at a toddler group

Lord, we thank you
for all the families represented here today.
We thank you for these children.
We love them, as Mary loved Jesus,
and marvel at their individuality.
We thank you that you are present
in all the ups and downs of family life,
and pray for our families at this special time of year,
that the true meaning of Christmas
will be in our hearts.


Shoebox blessing

Lord, we pray that these boxes
will be transported safely to their destination.
We don’t always feel very rich,
but we know we have so much more
than the children who will receive our gifts.
We thank you that you have brought us together
reach out to children in places we may have hardly heard of.
With every box we reach deep into our hearts
sending our love and thoughts and prayers
for the child who will receive and be blessed
with a special helping of your abundant love.


A prayer before writing a Christmas letter

Lord, I thank you for all the blessings you have given me.
I thank you for all my friends and family,
especially those from whom I only hear at this time of year.
As I write to them, I pray you will guide my words,
so I not only share the ups and downs of my life
but show genuine concern for their lives.
I pray you will be near them
and bless them with your love and peace
at this special time of year.


Christmas stress

Lord we all expect so much from the festivities of Christmas.
We always think that other people are having the perfect time
with families round the tree.
But there can be so much stress, Lord.
We pray for families who only see each other at Christmas:
they may all want to celebrate in quite different ways.
We think about the empty places at tables
where loved ones no longer sit.
We pray for new family groups making their own traditions;
For those in the armed forces  
and others who have to be away from home,
or just at work.
Lord, help us all to relax and rejoice
in the true meaning of the season.


Christmas Day grace

Lord, as we gather round this table,
spread with so much good food,
so loving prepared,
we pray that you will bless us as we eat
and enjoy each other’s company.
We remember those who will be going hungry today.
We thank you for the people
who give up their own celebrations
to serve meals to the homeless and lonely.
May all be blessed with a deep sense of your presence.


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