Every week, Roots resources offer a truly diverse choice of music, building on the themes explored in the week's resources.
How do we make sure all the suggestions are so relevant? We wait until the rest of the materials have been written - and then we ask music and worship specialists to put together music suggestions for us.
Hymns and songs: inspiring, varied, relevant
Gillian Warson compiles our song lists for the Worship Together resources. Her lists have broad appeal, featuring:
- at least 6 traditional hymns (from e.g. Singing the Faith or other traditional hymn books)
- at least 5 contemporary songs (with online links where available)
- 1 or 2 Iona/Taize style pieces.
At least half of Gillian's choices each week are ideal for all ages together.
For the Children & Youth resources, Darren Philip and Emily Hoe-Crook select songs for:
- under 5s
- under 12s
- young people aged 12+
See their choices for one week
Contemporary worship tracks
For young people, we offer links to contemporary worship tracks by Christian artists. Play them as young people arrive, or at the end of the session; reflect on the lyrics; or why not try them as the backdrop to an activity?
Songs from Same Boat Music Free to subscribers
We're also working with the team at Same Boat Music, a hugely successful producer of Christian songs for schools and churches.
In weeks when this button (pictured) appears on our website, ROOTS subscribers enjoy free online access to a worship song from Same Boat Music - including scores, lyrics and mp3 backing tracks.
Using music to enrich your time together
No two weeks are the same with Roots resources, but here are a few ways in which the materials might suggest you make use of music.
- Setting the mood as everyone arrives
- Playing music while displaying thought-provoking pictures
- Listening to the lyrics of a song (which could be Christian or secular) to prompt discussion or reflection
- Playing soft music during a time of prayer
- Using music and movement - not only for younger children, but sometimes as part of adult/all-age active worship.