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Related Bible reading(s): John 3.14-21

Hymns, songs & music

Related to the Bible readings

Includes suggestions for:
Adult & All Ages; Children & Youth hymns in Welsh; and alternative online sources.



'Everybody Praise Him' - FREE! download(s) from Same Boat Music.

If you wish to download the FREE! lyrics, scores and mp3 files, you can either follow the download instructions on or the ROOTS recommended instructions.

Please note that songs for the current and subsequent issue ONLY are available on so it's important that, for each issue, you download the songs you're interested in by the last day of the current issue.


Suggestions for Adult & All Ages

(Songs in italics are suitable for all ages.)

Author of faith, eternal Word
Blest are the pure in heart
Breathe on me, breath of God
Creation sings the father’s song
Eat this bread, drink this cup
Eternal light, shine in my heart
For God so loved the world
God so loved, loved this world
Help us accept each other
Hills of the north, rejoice
In Christ alone my hope is found
Jesus, you are strong to save
Light of the world, you stepped down
Lord, the light of your love is shining
Love divine, all loves excelling
Name of all majesty
Now the green blade rises
Spirit of God, show me Jesus
This is my, my response
We are marching in the light of God 


Sing: Suggestions for Children & Youth

Preview songs on YouTube, buy online and download. 

Key to abbreviations for hymn book titles


Very young childrens Session

0-5s song(s)

We are marching in the light of God  


Give us light, O Lord (WGWG 041)
Eternal Life, Seeds Family Worship
Yesterday, today and forever (SoF 171)

God gives me a brand new start (Sing to the tune: Our God is a great big God)
God gives me a brand new start,
God gives me a brand new start,
God gives me a brand new start,
it’s a chance to make my mark


Cornerstone, Hillsong Worship on Cornerstone
In God We Trust, Hillsong Worship on Open Heaven/Run Wild
Trust in You, Lauren Daigle on How Can It Be  


 Welsh hymn selection

Anadla, anadl Iôr (CFf 567)
Dad, dy gariad yn glir ddisgleiria (CFf 228)
Do, carodd Duw y byd (Canu Clod 126)
Dysg ni i dderbyn pob un (Caleidosgob 140)
Gariad dwyfol, uwch pob cariad (CFf 731)
Mae'r byd yn canu cân y Tad (Gwefan Gobaith)
Oleuni’r byd (Gwefan Gobaith)
Siyahamba (Canu Clod 376)
Yng Nghrist ein hun (Canu Clod 423)


Other music sources

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