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14 - 20 March 2021
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John 3.14-21

Nicodemus was a Jewish leader who was a Pharisee. Jesus speaks to him of being sent because of God’s love, to offer eternal life to the world. He uses the image of light and darkness to explain the concept of judgement. Those who do wrong things avoid the light, because it reveals what they are doing, but those who do what is good and true are attracted to the light.

How do we understand ‘eternal life’? And what difference does that make to our everyday lives?

This week we explore trusting in something eternal.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Lent 4 Year B
Numbers 21.4-9; Psalm 107.1-3,17-22; Ephesians 2.1-10; John 3.14-21
Previously published resources on these readings
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