This set of communion prayers links with the lectionary readings for Lent Year C
Fun ways for children and young people to consider what a loving Lent might mean
An all-age Communion resource for Lent
A time to reflect on difficult decisions, temptations, and what we really need.
Ideas for a Shrove Tuesday event with children.
Recreating the tradition of penitential self-reflection
A service to explore the meaning and history of Lent
An all-age service for Lent sharing the journeys made by Jesus, Peter, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus and Thomas
Sir Sam and Sir Alex learn to prepare their hearts
Drama sketch about breaking your fast on Sundays in Lent
Guidance on enriching worship through music
For details, see ROOTS at home during Lent.
Readings, prayers and activities for each week of Lent 2021
Weekly activity that creates a road of tears to Jerusalem and then transforms into flowers of joy on Easter Day
Readings, prayers and activities for each week of Lent 2014
Journeying through Lent with the psalms
Psalms and prayers to accompany the 2013 Lent calendar for adults
Weekly ideas for prayers and action
The Lent calendar takes seven of the last sayings of Jesus from the cross as inspiration for reflection and preparation.
A liturgy for Lent that links the journey of Lent with the rhythm of the seasons
Build up symbolic images on a cross throughout the six weeks of Lent.
A 2021 reflection on the global pandemic in the context of Jesus’ journey to the cross
Wonderful God, as we enter this season of Lent
Reflections and worship activities using the story of Exodus during Lent
A prayer of confession for use in Lent
Children's prayer for Lent
A series of imaginary conversations between characters in the Hebrew Bible.
I am planting my feet in the footsteps
A 'progressive hymn' written by Michael Topliss for use at St John's Methodist Church, Bloxwich. Each verse picks up the theme of the gospel reading for one week in Lent.
An old hymn, adapted
Resources for adults on two themes: discipleship and justice
Resources for children on two themes: discipleship and justice