The principles on which Roots is based
Our vision and mission
Roots’ vision is to encourage, challenge, inspire and nurture an environment of worship and learning in church communities.
Roots’ mission is to equip and resource churches of many denominations to enrich people’s encounter with God and support their response through worshipping and learning together in the midst of a changing world.
Roots’ values
Roots seeks to meet the needs of people young and old, whether believers or seekers, in many different contexts.
Roots recognises that the Bible is a key source of discovery for all Christian people on their journey of faith.
Roots draws on Christian tradition, current thinking and a broad theological understanding.
Roots seeks to reflect the diversity of our society by being sensitive to cultural differences and the use of language.
Roots recognises that Christian faith is above all expressed in community.
How does Roots realise its mission?
We publish materials for every week of the year
For those leading worship with adults, families and all ages together
For those facilitating teaching, worship and learning with children and young people.
We do this by publishing Roots Worship Together and Roots Children & Youth resources in print and online.
We follow the ecumenical Revised Common Lectionary (RCL)
The RCL provides a pattern for Bible reading in worship and offers four Bible passages for each week of the year.
When the Church of England's Common Worship Lectionary differs from the RCL, we offer support online. Please see our Lectionary page for more details.
We recognise that Christian growth and discipleship are a journey
The resources reflect the fact that people will be at different stages of their Christian journey. Some people could be described as ‘seeking’; others would describe themselves as ‘mature’ – with a range of experiences in between.
Wherever people are in their journey, we aim to help them grow as disciples of Christ.
We offer resources that can help Christians to have a ‘living faith’
Through their worship and learning using Roots, we seek to resource Christians so that they can:
- reflect on their day-to-day lives in the world
- respond to the needs of all people as part of God’s loving creation.