Inspiring ideas and resources to use with toddlers to teens
Thousands of children's and youth leaders use Roots Children & Youth resources each week. Could Roots inspire you too?
How will Roots help your group encounter and explore the Bible?
Each week, Roots offers ways for children and young people to get to know and think about one of the readings from the Revised Common Lectionary – and to explore how it relates to their everyday lives. For weeks when the Church of England’s Common Worship Lectionary differs, we provide materials online.
The Worship Together resources focus on the same reading as Children & Youth, so that the children can learn from the same Bible passage as the adults.
Flexible resources to suit your situation
In developing ROOTS resources, we make sure that we keep things flexible so that you can adapt the resources for your situation:

Roots Youth resources
In both the magazine and online, we offer a dedicated youth section - helping you to put together a truly creative, engaging and thought-provoking session for young people.