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Lenten cross CYP Year B

Build up symbolic images on a cross throughout the six weeks of Lent.

Each week the activity takes 5-10 minutes and supports the spiritual styles preferences of Symbol, Emotion and Word. See templates and photographs of the finished Lenten cross below.


Week 1
You will need: a rough, bare cross made from two branches or pieces of wood (this could be made from last year’s Christmas tree) nailed and thrashed together with rope or rough string, a pot with soil to stand it in, a dove (template below) copied onto white card, sticky tac.

During Lent, we remember Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness and reflect on his journey to the cross. Explain that each week you will add a different object from the Bible story to the cross.

  • Explain that the dove is a symbol of God’s Spirit and reminds us of the dove that descended on Jesus at his baptism and drove him into the wilderness. Attach the dove with sticky tac just below the top of the cross.
  • Pray together: Spirit of God, be with us each day, on our journey through Lent and life. Amen.


Week 2
You will need: some card stars (approx. 6-8cm in diameter) covered in foil, or alternatively a sheet of peel off sticky stars.

Remind the children of God’s promise to Abraham in today’s Old Testament reading: ‘I will make your offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven (Genesis 22.17).

  • Encourage the group to think of the different generations of people they know at church, including, perhaps, some who have died or moved away.  
  • Give each child some stars to stick on the cross in memory of the people they know and have known at church.
  • Pray together: Thank you, God, for all the people who have worshipped you faithfully, over the years, in this church and for the future generations who will do so. Amen.


Week 3
You will need: a scroll of the Lord’s Prayer (template below), a bowl of pennies.

Remind the group that Jesus went to the Temple because it was a holy place, and to pray, so he was very shocked to see it as it was.

  • Ask the children if they know the Lord’s Prayer, maybe from home, church or school. Remind them that Jesus used this to teach us how to pray. Say the prayer together and explain that the scroll represents the place of holiness in our lives. Place the scroll at the foot of the cross.
  • Show the group the coins and explain that they represent things that get in the way of our relationship with God. Pass the bowl of pennies around and invite each person to take some and think what obstacles they might represent in their own lives.
  • Invite everyone to throw their pennies around the base of the cross.
  • Pray together: Lord God, we remember that Jesus loved the Temple and was upset that the traders were not treating it as a holy place. Help us, through our words and actions, to come closer to you. Amen.


Week 4 
You will need: gold curling ribbon, a drawing pin.

Remind the group about the light and dark images that Jesus used in today’s story and the idea of Jesus being lifted up on the cross; a symbol of both suffering and glory.  

  • Invite the group to cut 10 or more pieces of gold ribbon (each one approx. a metre long)
  • Knot the pieces of ribbon together at one end and using a drawing pin, attach them to the back of the cross at the top, so that the ribbons stream down.
  • Pray together: Thank you, Jesus, that you suffered in order to bring light to our dark world. Help us to live in the light of your love. Amen.


Week 5
You will need: ear of wheat (template below) copied onto yellow card, a garden stick or wooden skewer, sticky tape, rice grains (ideally brown).

Remind the group of the key images from the passage: a grain of wheat, the crop that it produces and the idea of being a servant.


  • Give each child some grains of rice and invite them to throw a few ‘seeds’ around the base of the cross.
  • Cut out the ear of wheat and stick it onto the stick with tape and plant it in the pot to show what the seeds will grow into.  
  • Pray together: Generous God, you help seeds to grow into a harvest. Thank you for the generosity of others, who serve us. Help us to be generous, too, in serving others and growing your kingdom. Amen.


Week 6            
You will need: palm leaves (template below) copied onto green card, scissors, wide red florist’s ribbon (cut into pieces approx. 80cm long), drawing pins.

Explain that we are nearly at the end of our Lenten journey as Jesus arrives in Jerusalem. Recap on the images that you have put onto the cross so far, and explain that Jesus will face the reality of the cross in Holy Week, as well as triumphing over it.

  • Beforehand, cut out the palm leaves or do so together. Divide the leaves into two groups and fan them out. Then attach each ‘fan’ with a drawing pin to the end of each arm of the cross.  
  • Put a drawing pin through the end of each piece of red ribbon and give each child a piece of ribbon to press into the base of the cross, so that they spill out over the pot all the way round. Invite each child to take a piece of ribbon and hold it out straight as you say the prayer.    
  • Pray together: Loving God, who sent his only Son into the world to save it, we remember the crowd waving palm leaves, as Jesus entered Jerusalem, and we remember the blood that he shed for us on the cross. Amen.
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