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We confess that we live in a world in which joy provokes indignation

A prayer of confession for use in Lent

We confess
that we live in a world in which joy provokes indignation,
a world in which violence erupts quickly,
where truth is often stifled by lies
and justice is silenced.
We confess that our communities do not always welcome the stranger
or make a place for everyone.
We confess that within ourselves
generous love and fearful hate are both real.
We are sorry for our own sins
and for the sinfulness of the world in which we participate and which we shape.
We ask your forgiveness.
We long for the grace to forgive those who sin against us,
and for the courage to forgive ourselves and to begin life anew.
Christ, who walked in the empty wilderness and met honestly with God,
who entered the busy city in peace and in joy,
and forgave even your tormenters,
bring your gifts to our hearts that, forgiven and free, we may cry 'Hosanna' with integrity of heart.
In your name we pray. Amen .

Jesus came to welcome and to forgive,
to bring new life and the joy of the kingdom.
Let us receive these gifts with gladness! Amen.

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