Play a memory game W E
A reminder that Jesus said God’s love is for everyone
- Sit in a circle and ask the first person to say, ‘God loves everyone who…’ and add an attribute, e.g. ‘God loves everyone who is wearing red.’
- The next person should repeat what the first person said and add their own attribute, e.g. ‘God loves everyone who is wearing red and has a cat.’
- Keep the game going round the circle, adding to what needs to be remembered each time. Finish by emphasising that God loves and offers eternal life to everyone no matter who they are.
Make a Möbius strip E S
Explore the concept of eternity
You will need: strips of paper about 2cm x 10cm, pens, glue.
- Give each child a strip of paper and ask them to write part of the passage (e.g. John 3.16) across both sides. NB, The writing on one side needs to be done upside down.
- Help everyone to fold their paper strip into a ring, putting a half twist into it as they do it and glue it in place.
- The Möbius strip is an infinite shape which has no start or end – if you draw a line along it with a pencil, you will get back to exactly where you started. Encourage the children to play with it and think about what eternity means.

Songs from Same Boat Music.
Everybody Praise Him
Find more suggestions on the Hymns, songs & music page.
Talk together and talk to God
Use these questions to discuss the Bible passage and then bring your thoughts together by praying to God.
Talk together
- How does darkness make you feel? How does it feel when light comes into that darkness?
- In what ways did Jesus’ words make Nicodemus feel brighter?
- How can we share God’s light with others?
Talk to God: Say sorry to God E S
Ask for and be assured of God’s forgiveness
You will need: candle, lighter, snuffer.
- Light a candle – ensuring safety. Invite the children to come up one at a time, think of something they want to say sorry for, and extinguish the candle with a snuffer, saying the words, ‘I am sorry.’
- After each child’s turn, relight the candle and say, ‘God says, “I forgive you”.’