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#faithathome 5-11 June Patience

Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are

Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home



Welcome to #faith at home with ROOTS. We're delighted to be part of the Church of England's #faithathome initiative working with Oak National Online Academy.  


This week, the theme is Patience. View the #faithathome video.


Prayers and prayer activities to use during the week. 


A prayer at the start of the day

When I’m looking forward,

Lord, help me to wait.


When I want something now,

Lord, help me to wait.


When I don’t know what is going to happen,

Lord, help me to wait.


When I’m feeling frightened,

Lord, help me to wait for you.

You are my strength,

you are my light,

you are my hope.



Water drop prayer activity

Imagine the slow dripping of water. Cut out water drop shapes and write prayers on them. You could think of those who are having to be patient as they recover from the Corona virus; for those waiting to hear news of loved ones who are ill; for the gift of faith and trust in the Lord; pray for leaders and people in responsibility; ask for the gift of patience and perseverance. You could stick them somewhere and pray the prayers each day.


Waiting in silence

The desert is a very quiet place. In the second century AD, men and women started to leave their homes and live in the desert. They hoped that getting away from their busy everyday lives and all the pressures to earn money and have a lot of things would help them to find God. They did not just want to learn about God. They wanted to get to know God and become more Christ-like themselves. Some of them lived alone, some in small groups, and others in communities. Most of them were ordinary people and only a few of them could read or write. However, some of their disciples wrote down collections of the things they said and stories about things they did. These Christians have become known as the 'desert fathers', although there were also 'desert mothers'. They spent a great deal of time in silence, listening for the word of God. In this time when so much of the busyness of life has stopped, we can learn a great deal from their quiet patience.

Have a time of silence. Sit around something to look at, something you find calm and beautiful. It could be a picture or photo or an item. Get really comfortable. You may need to have a really good wriggle and then concentrate on different parts of the body from the head downwards until you're relaxed. Open the silence with the following prayer:


God, we come to you in silence.

Help us to listen to you.


After a few minutes, pray:

God, we thank you for loving us.

We know you want to hold us close to your heart.

Help us to spend time with you.



See if anyone wants to share any insights from the silence. Be relaxed about whether or not they choose to share.


Pass it on

Merciful God,

help us to be as generous as you,

and to pass your generosity on.

All ‘high five’ the person on your left.

Help us to be as patient as you are,

and to pass your patience on.

All ‘high five’ the person on your right.

Help us to be as understanding as you are,

and to pass your understanding on.

All ‘high five’ people on both sides!

In Jesus’ name we pray.



A prayer at the end of the day

Lord, we do not know how things will turn out: the picture is unclear.

Give us patience to let your plans unfold gradually as we grow into the people you want us to be.





Last week 29 May - 4 June we explored Humility


Next week 12-18 June we explore Resilience - Find prayers to use during the week.


Back to the #faithathome with ROOTS landing page.


Find more ROOTS at home resources for families worshipping together while schools and gatherings are suspended.

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