To help mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year, we have commissioned some special prayers and other resources for you to use in your celebrations.
A celebration placement with activities to print out for street parties, other shared meals, or to send to households.
Click on the image to view and download a PDF of the placemat.
A grace for a shared meal
Lord Jesus, you feasted with friends and found joy in those around you.
Bless us now as we share this food, celebrate this day and remember our Queen,
and all those she serves in your name.
Prayers of praise and thanksgiving
Loving God, we thank you for the opportunity to come together to
celebrate the life of our Queen.
For her courage, her dignity, her sincerity, WE PRAISE YOU.
For her dedication, her resilience, her faith, WE PRAISE YOU.
For all the ways she has put service before self, WE PRAISE YOU.
And we ask your blessing on her and all those she loves
at this special time, and always.
God of all nations,
on this day of Pentecost we praise you for the power of your Holy Spirit,
equipping each of us for our life's work.
We celebrate especially the wonderful work of our Queen,
who has put loyalty before her royalty through all the ages of her reign.
And who, day by day, has served you her God and Christ her King
with humility, resislience and grace.
Thank you for all she is and all she has done to your glory.
A prayer of commitment
In the name of Christ,
and following the example of our Queen,
let us pledge ourselves to live out our faith
responsibly, dutifully and courageously.
Will you offer your hands in friendship and welcome
to those who are afraid,
to those who are a long way from home,
to those of all nations who are in need?
We will.
Will you use your feet
to go where there is loneliness,
to visit those who are hurting,
to stand up for those who have been brought low?
We will.
Will you use your voice
to speak out for the voiceless,
to speak words of peace,
to speak blessing over those who have never known love?
We will.
Will you give your life,
whether you are young or whether you are old,
in service of your family, your friends,
your church and your community?
We will.
Will you open your heart
to the peoples and all the creatures of the world
and pray and work for peace and compassion?
We will.
Will you honour the Queen before God,
in and through all the seasons of your life,
by living as she has done:
responsibly, dutifully and courageously?
We will.
In the name of Christ, we will. Amen.
We are grateful to Janet Lees for the activities on the placemat and Lynne Chitty for the celebration prayers.