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Still with us - an Ascension service for all ages

An Ascension service for all ages using scenes from Star Wars



You will need: access to two Star Wars films - Star Wars IV: A New Hope and Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi; connection to a projector and screen; two people to introduce and discuss the films (one really needs to be a Star Wars fan); a flip chart, with an outline of a person; heart-shaped sticky notes, and pens and pencils.



Fantasy opens our eyes to themes of the gospel. From CS Lewis and Tolkien to Harry Potter and Avatar, big themes of life and death, good and evil are played out and opened for examination. Star Wars, in both its manifestations, is no exception and this service draws directly on this.

A word of warning may be in order, however. Fantasy helps us to explore religious themes: but it is not religion. While it may seem unnecessary to point this out to worship leaders, the fact that in the last UK Census a surprising number of people wrote ‘Jedi’ in the religious faith box suggests that it is necessary to be clear about what we are doing in using a genre as a tool, rather than peddling heresy!



Call to worship and confession

Why do you stand gazing into heaven?
This Jesus whom you seek
is here, alive, risen, present, alive today.
Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.

Why do you stand gazing into heaven?
This Jesus whom you seek lives on, in his people, lives on in you, lives on in strangers.
In acts of love we see the living God.
Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.

In sacrifice and self-giving we see the living God.
In confession and forgiveness we see the living God.
Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.

Today, we remember. We look back.
We make our confession. > Silence.
Forgive us God, and grant us your peace.
And in granting us peace, help us to look forward in hope.
Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.

Why do you stand gazing into heaven?
Know that he sits at the right hand of God
to forgive and to strengthen.
Look rather to the future, live for today.
Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.



Christ triumphant ever reigning,
Thine be the glory,
At the name of Jesus,
The head that once was crowned with thorns.

Opening response

From Psalm 47

Lines are said alternately by leader and congregation. Clapping, on the accented syllable, will emphasise the rhythm.

Cláp your hands, and práise his name.
Shóut to Gód with sóngs of joy.

Gód Most High is áwesome.
Hé is king of áll the earth.

Hé has conquered sín and death.
Shóut to Gód with sóngs of joy.

Hé ascended wíth a shóut.
Hé is king of áll the earth.

Hé is on his hóly throne.
Síng to God and práise our king.

Trúmpets sound as hé ascends.
Hé is king of áll the earth.

Cláp your hands, and práise his name.
Shóut to Gód with sóngs of joy.


Reading Acts 1.1-11

You may like to divide the reading out between a number of voices, with a narrator (Luke, writer of the Gospel) and some people to speak the conversational words.



He is Lord, he is Lord.


Explore the Word

Follow each film clip with a discussion between a Questioner [Q] and a (self-styled) Star Wars Expert [SWE]. First, explain that the ascension of Jesus is a difficult idea to engage with. Sometimes other stories help us to open up a story told in the Bible, and these bits from Star Wars may help us to understand a bit more about the story of Jesus’ ascension into heaven.


Extract 1 Star Wars IV: A New Hope

Show Scene 38: 381.26:26–391.30:10. Stop after Luke and Leah are upset. (4 minutes)

Conversation 1

Q:  So, help me, because I don’t understand. Why did Obi Wan Kenobi stop fighting? Why did he let Darth Vader kill him?

Because, Obi Wan Kenobi knew that by allowing himself to be killed he will always be able to be with Luke Skywalker no matter what. Obi Wan says to Darth Vader, ‘If you kill me I shall be more powerful than you can possibly imagine.’

Q:  I’m still not getting this – If Obi Wan Kenobi died, then where did his body go – it just seemed to disappear?

SWE:  He went up to heaven, but part of him was left in the universe.

Q:  And I’m sure I heard a voice, was that Obi Wan? How can he speak when he is dead?

SWE:  Yes it was Obi Wan. But is he dead? Part of him is left with us so Luke Skywalker can hear him when he really needs his help. Here he tells Luke to run, but later on he appears to Luke to give Luke encouragement.

Q:  I don’t get it. Luke is really upset because Obi Wan is dead. But if Obi Wan is still with him why is he sad?

SWE:  Because Luke doesn’t know Obi Wan is still with him. He thinks he’s alone. It’s like we sometimes don’t know God is with us, and we think we’re alone. Luke is sad because Obi Wan was his friend and he won’t be with him every day any more.



When I’m feeling down and sad (CH4 and Hymns of glory, Songs of praise 568 and Big Blue Planet 74).


Extract 2 Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi

Show Scenes 14–15
(a) 14: 38:00–14: 39:20 (Yoda’s Twilight and A certain point of view)
Stop when Yoda says ‘Night must fall – that is the way of things.’ (1 minute)
(b) 14: 42:40–15: 44:00
Stop after ‘Yoda will always be with you’ and ‘Obi Wan’. (2 minutes)

Conversation 2

Q:  Is this what you meant by Obi Wan still being with Luke even though he died?

SWE:  Yes, he appears to Luke when Yoda dies so Luke doesn’t feel so alone. Obi Wan says, ‘Yoda will always be with you.’

Q:  So Yoda dies but Obi Wan says Yoda is still with him. How can Yoda still be with him?

SWE:  In the same way as Obi Wan is still with him. Yoda helps Luke by believing in him and by what he has already taught Luke. He taught Luke to trust his instinct. So Luke defeats the dark side not with power and violence but with love – Luke believes that there is still good in Darth Vader and trusts that Vader with turn to the good side of the force in the end.

Q:  Shall we see how the film ends?


Extract 3 Star Wars VI: The Funeral Pyre and Celebration

Show Scenes 48–49 481: 59:50–492: 02:30 (3 minutes)


Respond to the Word

Invite people to talk in groups about people who’ve left things behind with us, people who have taught us things. Suggest that people find a word or a phrase to sum up something learned from someone else, that they particularly treasure, and write this on a heart-shaped sticky note. Stick the hearts on the person shape drawn on the flip chart sheet.



The love of God comes close (MP, RS, SG,TS).



Why do you stand staring into the sky?
Jesus isn’t there.

We have flown above the clouds and know that
Jesus isn’t there.


We have left the earth’s gravitational pull but
Jesus isn’t there.


We have searched the sky with radio telescopes and
Jesus isn’t there.


Why do you stand staring into the sky?
Jesus isn’t there.


Have you looked among the peacemakers?
He might be there.

Have you looked among the victims of violence and where there are wars?
He might be there.


Why do you stand staring into the sky?
Jesus is here.

Look down at your hands.
Look at the way your hands bring peace.
Look at the way your hands give love.
Look at the way your hands soothe and heal.
Look at the way your hands share and give.
Jesus is here.



Lord of the dance.


Send out

Now, with our hands, let us proclaim our risen and ascended Lord.
Repeat Psalm 47.

Go in peace, praising Jesus our Lord.
He is king of all the earth.

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