Prayers to use at the end of a holiday period before a new term
The last weekend in August is a bank holiday throughout the UK, when people may well be enjoying a final holiday before making preparations for a new term at school, college or university. So here is a smorgasbord of prayers for congregational or personal use during this period.
In congregational use, you could ask the congregation what they will be doing for the bank holiday. Some may be taking a last break before the new academic year. Some may be visiting (or being visited by) relatives. Some will be visiting supermarkets or shopping centres. And for some it will be a working day, or a day just like every other day.
Lord, you gave the Sabbath as a day of rest.
So may we know the value of rest
in our fast-moving lives.
Teach us, we pray,
the value of quiet,
the patience to be still,
the patience to wait, so that your will,
not the world's agenda, may be done.
We pray for those who find in the religious life
a vocation to quiet and stillness.
May we learn from their example of solitude
that true community comes through poverty of spirit,
through the discipline of being
in your presence.
To say or sing:
'Tis the gift to be simple,
'tis the gift to be free,
'tis the gift to come down
where you ought to be
and when you find yourself
in the place just right
it will be in the valley
of truth and delight.
When true simplicity is gained,
to bow and to bend we will not be ashamed.
To turn, turn, will be our delight,
'til by turning, turning we come round right.
We pray for those who work so that we might play,
for those places which depend on tourism for their livelihood.
We remember low-paid workers in hotels and restaurants,
the unseen ones and those we choose not to see.
And we pray for those who have no break from drudgery,
for those who have no holidays because of poverty, sickness or disability;
for children whose horizons are bounded by the bleak estates where they live,
for stressed professionals unable to detach themselves from laptop or mobile;
for those for whom holidays mean a painful reminder of family problems.
We pray for those who need to shop
to fill empty lives,
to ward off the demons of loneliness and lovelessness;
for those excluded by poverty,
for those oppressed by debt.
So be it.
May we learn the quality of stillness,
the sound of silence,
the peace which is your gift,
the hope that is your calling,
the faith by which we live.
So be it.
For personal prayer or in a small congregation
Keep a time of silence for as long as you can manage.
Sit comfortably, upright, and become aware of your breathing.
What do you hear?
An emergency vehicle's siren?
Passing traffic?
Children playing?
Use these as the basis for brief bidding prayers, and end with the short prayer above.
A prayer of confession
We confess that sometimes we prefer the neon gods
of light, noise, busyness and consumption
to the stillness where you may be heard.
We do not love you enough.
We do not love our neighbours as ourselves.
We do not love ourselves enough
to offer ourselves worthily.
Lord, remember us and visit us. So be it.
Back to school
We give thanks and praise to God for his goodness bestowed on us.
We are made in the image of the one true creator of heaven and earth.
We give thanks for the creativity we have,
and pray that we may use it to the good of all.
We give thanks for the opportunities of education which we enjoy
and we remember with sorrow those without access to learning.
We pray for our schools, colleges and universities;
for all who teach and all who learn.
We remember those who struggle with their learning,
who learn nothing but failure and hopelessness.
We pray for our local school(s) …… , for ……
We pray for all who work to maintain our schools and colleges:
caterers and cleaners,
secretaries and administrators,
chaplains, counsellors, and all who offer pastoral care.
And for those who give their time and skills freely, such as governors and unpaid classroom helpers.
We pray for those preparing to go to a new school, college or university. They may feel anxiety as they leave behind familiar surroundings and friends. Give them courage and hope, Lord, as they face new challenges and opportunities.
Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the holidays that are soon to be over, and the re-creation we have enjoyed. As we prepare for a new term, we offer to you ourselves, our minds and bodies, and all that we do. Give us strength and cheerfulness as we face the challenges before us; and help us always to give of our best whether in work or play.
(Frank Colquhoun, adapted)