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Space Quest: light party resource

Invite local primary-aged children for a ‘light party’ to celebrate Jesus’ light. Presented as an alternative Halloween party, parents appreciate a safe alternative to ‘trick-or-treating’.

Our 7-page Space Quest PDF is packed with inspiration and practical ideas for a space-themed light party, with:

  • activity ideas, talk ideas and a logistical checklist
  • a music playlist
  • a themed bookmark that you can print and give away
  • a ready-made poster and invitation - just add your date, time and venue!

Available free for Roots Children & Youth subscribers, or you can buy a downloadable PDF for £3

Activity and talk ideas Poster Invitation (postcard size)


How to get this resource

  • If you subscribe to Roots Children & Youth, you can access this resource as part of your subscription! Simply log in, go to the Seasons & festivals section of the website, and choose 'Halloween'.

  • If you don't subscribe to Roots Children & Youth, you can buy this resource as a standalone PDF. 

    Order the standalone PDF (£3)



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The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
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