Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are
Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home
Welcome to #faith at home with ROOTS. We're delighted to be part of the Church of England's #faithathome initiative working with Oak National Online Academy.
Prayers and prayer activities to use during the week.
A prayer at the start of the day
For younger children
We begin as seeds with the potential to grow.
Roll into a ball on the floor.
We ask God to give us strong roots so that we can believe in him.
Unroll and spread out your legs.
We ask God to help us grow in faith.
Slowly stand up.
We ask God to help us grow good fruit so that we can serve him as we help other people.
Extend your arms into the air.
We ask God to help everyone lend a hand to each other.
Join hands with people around you, keeping hands high in the air.
Repeat the whole activity so you can concentrate on the prayer rather than just the actions.
Jesus, who is the Word of Life,
may our hearts always be the ‘good soil’
you spoke of so that we will listen to your word and help it to grow.
May our words and actions
change the hearts of others
so that your kingdom may flourish.
Nourishing prayer
For children
Give each child a watering-can-shaped piece of paper. Talk about their skills and talents and how they can use them to help the kingdom grow. Write or draw a prayer on their watering can which includes a thanksgiving for the people who help them to grow and a promise to help others. Then, holding up the watering cans, pray:
God our Father, you are the gardener.
Thank you for helping us to grow.
Help us to bear fruit.
Please give us strength when you ask us to face difficult things.
Help us to grow and bear more fruit.
Creation walk
Keeping to current restrictions on being outside and who you can be with, go to a local park or open area. Allow a few moments for everyone to calm down and ask them to listen to the sounds around them, to feel the air on their skin, to become sensitive to temperature, the sky above. Ask them to remain quiet while walking slowly, being attentive to the detail of the world of nature, especially plants and trees. Encourage them to examine the soil, the leaves, the bark from trees and flowers. Get them to use all their senses. When you've finished, find out if anyone noticed anything new.
Snakes and ladders prayers
Draw simple snakes and ladders board on a large sheet of paper. On the snakes write prayers for the world where things are going wrong. On the ladders write prayers of thanks for the world where people are nurturing each other, developing tests and a vaccine.
Tree prayers
With children
Copy, or enlarge and cut out the shape of a tree with roots. Cut out leaf shapes from green paper. Write on the leaf the name of someone who has helped you to learn about God. Stick the leaves onto the tree, and pray together:
Creator God, we thank you for all the people who help us to learn about you.
Help us to grow strong in our love for you and for each other.
May other people see the love we have for you in what we do each day.
With young people
Look at the roots and think about people who support and guide you. Pray for them now.
On the leaf shapes write the gifts God has given you. Stick them to the tree. Thank God for these gifts to you.
Think how you can use these gifts. Ask God to help you share them.
A prayer at the end of the day
Let us be strong in Jesus and flourish.
Let us be rooted in Jesus and fruitful.
Let us abide in Jesus and be blessed.
We ask this in your name, Lord.
Last week 10-16 July we explored Compassion.
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Find more ROOTS at home resources for families worshipping together while schools and gatherings are suspended.