A nature trail aimed at ages 5 to 11 to celebrate the coronation of the 'green king'. Print the two A4 pages back to back and then fold to make an A5 leaflet. |
Click on the leaflet image to view the leaflet PDF for downloading and printing.

What an exciting day in history this is! King Charles III will be crowned King of the UK and Commonwealth in a special service called a Coronation. He is seen by some as a ‘green king’, having championed care for our environment for many years.
Use this activity trail to find out more about the special ceremony, and enjoy nature as a family. |
Whether you're outdoors or indoors, enjoy these fun activities to mark this historic day!
King Charles will stand in the centre of Westminster Abbey and face each direction, so everyone can recognise him as King. |
Download a compass app and go outside to explore your local area. Use the app to help you find North, East, South and West. Write two things you can see in each direction and thank God for them.
N ___________ E ___________
S ___________ W ___________
Promise (oath)
King Charles will promise to serve the country and God – see if you can spot him kiss the Bible as a sign of this. |
King Charles loves painting. Have a go at painting your own promise to God on a pebble.
The Archbishop will pour holy oil on King Charles’ hands and head, as a sign of blessing from God. |
Work in teams to find as many words from ‘Anointing’. First team to find 6 words wins!
Investing and crowning
The King will receive his robes, orb and other royal items, and be given his crown. The word Coronation comes from the Latin word for crown, ‘Corona’. |
Complete the sudoku by drawing the missing symbols. Each row down and across must contain only one of each kind of royal item.

King Charles will now sit on the throne. |

Gather pieces of wood and other natural items to create a mini throne. Then scatter some bird seed on the seat. Or colour the throne picture so that it is fit for a king! (Click on the image to view a larger version.)

Senior leaders show faithfulness to the King. King Charles loves planting trees and gives every one he plants a friendly shake or a tap to wish them well in their life. |
Go for a walk and tap tree branches, thanking them for the important work they do, and ask God to help us to continue to look after our environment.
Listen out for prayers and beautiful music during the Coronation ceremony. What would you like to pray as Charles is crowned King? Write your prayer here:
Jesus, King of Kings