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Worshipping with and within God’s Creation

Siggy Parratt-Halbert explores Forest Church as an approach to environmental sustainability in church life

Screenshot of Forest Church article

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Additional resources

Forest Church
Act of Worship



Nature and spirituality

Philip Newell, Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality, SPCK, 2008

Sean O’Duinn, Where Three Streams Meet: Celtic Spirituality, Columba Books, 2000

Bruce Stanley, Forest Church: A Field Guide to a Spiritual Connection with Nature, Mystic Christ Press, 2013 

Shirley Toulson, The Celtic Alternative: A Study of the Christianity We Lost, Rider and Co, 1987



Chris Holland, I love my world, Wholeland Press, 2020

Sally Welch, Outdoor Church, The Bible Reading Fellowship, 2016


Liturgy and prayers

Christine Valters Paintner, Water, Wind, Earth and Fire, Sorin Books, 2010

Tess Ward, The Celtic Wheel of the Year, O Books, 2007 

Northumbria Community Trust, Celtic Daily Prayer, Collins, 2000




Mystic Christ – ‘for and by people exploring a journey in community with the Mystic Christ towards personal transformation and the renewal of creation’.
You can find lots of ideas here, and make contact with others in the outdoor worship community

Aidan and Hilda – ‘a dispersed, ecumenical body drawing inspiration from the lives
of the Celtic saints’.

There are some free resources on this site, and guidance on writing your own ‘Rule’ – a nice thing to explore with a congregation, if not for yourself.

Goddess and Greenman   – yes, this is not a Christian site, but don’t let that put you off. Celtic Christianity has its roots in much of what you will find on the ‘wheel of the year’ page, and there is very little difference between the liturgies/activities here and those found within our Celtic Christian tradition. If you’re still uncomfortable, it can be very easily rewritten to be more overtly Christian.

The Northumbria Community   – ‘a diverse, worldwide, Christian Community, committed to a new way for living’.
A really useful site, with lots of articles to help you learn about what makes the Celtic movement tick, along with a good bookshop. You can get ‘Celtic Daily Prayer’ books here.

Iona –  ‘the Iona Community is a dispersed Christian ecumenical community working for peace and social justice, rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship’.
This website has a stack of videos where you can see what Celtic communities get up to. And a good bookshop.

Eco Church (in Scotland, Eco Congregation) – an award scheme for churches, based on a vision ‘for churches of all denominations to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully’. Plenty of useful resources and ideas, and networking with other
like-minded churches.



Eco-friendly glue suppliers

Tesa glue stick


Glue recipes


Snappy Living



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