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#faithathome 15-21 May Courage

Worship and learning for the whole Church – wherever you are

Resources for families with school-aged children to use at home



Welcome to #faith at home with ROOTS. We're delighted to be part of the Church of England's #faithathome initiative working with Oak National Online Academy.  


This week, the theme is Courage. View the #faithathome video.


Prayers and prayer activities to use during the week. 


A prayer at the start of the day

Lord Jesus, let us hear your voice calling to us today.

Help us to listen and learn and

give us the courage to follow in your footsteps.



A prayer for others

Lord of life,

we pray for all those who are suffering

in our shattered world;

those who are ill,

those broken by hurt and division,

those under attack,

and those dying.

Give us compassion to care,

and courage to act.



A prayer activity

Make sandal prayer cards.

You will need: paper, card, scissors, pens, glue, sandal template, large sheet of paper, e.g. wallpaper.

Cut out a sandal shape by drawing round a sandal or shoe. On one side of the sandal write the things that make life difficult. On the other side of the sandal write things that help, the things that give you a spring in your step! If you're doing this as a family or group, stick your sandals to the paper, showing the positive things.

Pray together:

Lord, when our journey is long,

bring a spring to our step.


Lord, when we find things difficult,

bring a spring to our step.


Lord, when every step is hard to take,

bring a spring to our step.


Help us to follow your path, Lord,

to find strength in you

and to help others on their journey.




A prayer at the end of the day

Thank you that you invite us to be a part of your family.

Help us to think of others before ourselves

and to always be ready to love and serve people.

Give us faith to look out for your way in the world.

Help us to know what is the most important thing,

And have the courage to act on that no matter what.




Last week 8-14 May we explored Hope


Next week 22-28 May we explore Love - Find a variety of resources from ROOTS.


Back to the #faithathome with ROOTS landing page.


Find more ROOTS at home resources for families worshipping together while schools and gatherings are suspended.

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