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Related Bible reading(s): Job 38.1-7,(34-41)

Prayers of intercession

We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation: How many are your works, Lord

We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you have made us and all people across the world. So now we pray for the people of the Middle East, faced with the terror of war, attack, injury or death. We pray for all those who are fleeing their homes to find safety, and those working for peace, striving to bring comfort, and praying for hope. We pray also for all those intent on causing harm across the region, .


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you have made the trees and plants grow, the animals roar and squeak, and the birds fly and sing. So now we pray for the wonderful creation we have around us. We pray for all those whose work is to protect and care for your creation, and those who campaign to protect what we have and challenge progress that causes damage. We pray that we would value and appreciate all the variety and greatness of your creative work.


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you give us light each day as the seasons change. You give us people to support us and a plan for our lives. So now we pray for all those who, as Job did, feel lost and alone at this time. We pray for those who fear the darkness of autumn and winter, those who do not feel the warmth of your love and those who have lost all hope. We pray that those who are lost and in despair may look for you and find you, and you would show us how we can share your hope.  


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you give people skills and talents, responsibilities and purpose. So now we pray for our leaders as they work to grow our nations, seek fairness and justice, and work with businesses to bring hope. We pray for you to pour out your wisdom on all those who make decisions that change nations and lives. We pray that all leaders would work for the best for everyone and look to you for help and guidance.


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you give people trust and hope in true justice, balanced with mercy and forgiveness. So now we pray for all those caught up in the justice system: for prisoners and the accused, for judges and magistrates, and for all who work to bring change in a system that is struggling. We pray for those who are working for change, that they would have strength and determination. We pray that you would bring hope and that your justice and compassion would be seen in practice.


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

So, forgive us for the times when we forget who you are and all that you have created for us. Forgive us when we fail to see your plan in our lives and in the lives of others. We know you are God.


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