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Job 38.1-7,(34-41); Psalm 104.1-9,24,35c; Hebrews 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45

Under 5s session

As we continue our journey through Job, we come to a dialogue between Job and God. Rather than providing words of comfort in Job’s suffering, God points Job towards his power as the creator of the universe. God’s omnipotence throws Job’s creatureliness into stark relief.

Very young children's Session

Read: Prepare and reflect - see Children's session Prepare
Play ideas:
basket filled with small world people and animals.
Don't forget: Colouring sheet

Very young childrens Session

 Gathering song

Sing to the tune: The Grand Old Duke of York

This is the story of Job (x2):
A man who always trusted God; this is the story of Job.

Share the Word
Very young childrens Session

Share the story

Fill a story bag with small balls to be the earth and planets, glittery stars, pictures of a rain cloud and lightning bolt, play people, toy lion and bird. Ask the children to take one each and add it to a story mat as you share the story.

God spoke to Job in a great storm and asked:
Who made the earth, the planets, the sun and the stars?
Who makes the rain to pour down and the lightning bolts to crack?
Who made humans beings to be wise?
Who made clouds to send rain?
Who made the lion to hunt and the raven to feed her chicks?

Explore and respond
Very young childrens Session

Rain clouds

Together make clouds and rain. Fill clear jars with water to about 5cm from the top. Spray a layer of shaving cream on the top of the water in each jar. This is the cloud. Show the children how to squirt a few drops of food colouring onto the shaving cream cloud. The food colouring will slowly start to rain from the cloud. Talk together about the clouds and the rain that God makes.

Who made these?

Roll out a large roll of paper and place around it star-shaped cookie cutters, plastic toy animals, circle cutters, small sponges, play people and plates of paint in different colours. Encourage the children to print shapes and footprints all over the paper. As you do, ask the children ‘Who made all of these things?’

A prayer for very young children: Look outside

With the group, stand near a window and look outside.
Ask the children to shout out the things they can see that God made. Pray:

God, we know that you are the creator
and you made all these things.

Very young childrens Session
Childrens Session

Activity and colouring sheet

Click on the graphic to view this week's sheets.

Go with God
Very young childrens Session


My God is so big

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