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Job 38.1-7,(34-41); Psalm 104.1-9,24,35c; Hebrews 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

Use some of the suggestions from the Gather activity to invite people to meet God, e.g.
Who created the seas? God did!
Who created rainbows? God did!
Who created snails, whales and wolves? God did!
Who created rain, sunshine and snow? God did!
Who have we come to worship? Our creator God.

A gathering prayer

Lord, you are amazing and wonderful.
You are dressed in the beauty of the world you created.
You control the skies and the waters.
We praise you for your countless creations,
for the stunning beauty you have made.
You made them in your wisdom.
We praise you, Lord. Amen.

A prayer of approach

Almighty God, we come to you today with awe and wonder, as we hear your voice from the whirlwind, and witness your power and majesty in creation. You are Lord and know all things. Teach us, humble us and reveal yourself to us. Help us to approach you with reverence and faith, and to worship you in spirit and in truth. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A prayer of adoration

Glorious God, we praise you and we adore you for your amazing deeds, wonderful works and marvellous wisdom. You created the heavens and the earth and sustain all life. You are the ruler of the storm and the sea, and the provider of all our needs. You are the high priest of the new covenant, and the mediator of all grace. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and the friend of sinners. You are worthy of all praise and deserving of all adoration.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

A prayer of confession

Forgiving God, we confess that we have sinned against you and against our neighbours. We have failed to recognise your presence and your authority in our lives. We have doubted your goodness and your justice in our world. We have resisted your guidance and your correction in our hearts. We have been selfish and ambitious, rather than humble and servant-like.
Forgive us, O God.


Assurance of forgiveness

Gracious God, thank you for your forgiveness and mercy. Thank you that you do not condemn us, but that you love us. Thank you that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and to rise again for our salvation. Thank you that you have given us your Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts, and to assure us of your pardon. Thank you that you have called us by name and claimed us as your own.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

Awesome God, we praise you for your wonderful deeds and mighty power.
We praise you for your everlasting love.
We praise you that you are faithful to your promises.
We praise you for your healing touch.
We praise you for your generous gifts.
We praise you for your gracious presence.

Prayers of intercession

We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you have made us and all people across the world. So now we pray for the people of the Middle East, faced with the terror of war, attack, injury or death. We pray for all those who are fleeing their homes to find safety, and those working for peace, striving to bring comfort, and praying for hope. We pray also for all those intent on causing harm across the region, .


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you have made the trees and plants grow, the animals roar and squeak, and the birds fly and sing. So now we pray for the wonderful creation we have around us. We pray for all those whose work is to protect and care for your creation, and those who campaign to protect what we have and challenge progress that causes damage. We pray that we would value and appreciate all the variety and greatness of your creative work.


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you give us light each day as the seasons change. You give us people to support us and a plan for our lives. So now we pray for all those who, as Job did, feel lost and alone at this time. We pray for those who fear the darkness of autumn and winter, those who do not feel the warmth of your love and those who have lost all hope. We pray that those who are lost and in despair may look for you and find you, and you would show us how we can share your hope.  


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you give people skills and talents, responsibilities and purpose. So now we pray for our leaders as they work to grow our nations, seek fairness and justice, and work with businesses to bring hope. We pray for you to pour out your wisdom on all those who make decisions that change nations and lives. We pray that all leaders would work for the best for everyone and look to you for help and guidance.


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

Lord, you give people trust and hope in true justice, balanced with mercy and forgiveness. So now we pray for all those caught up in the justice system: for prisoners and the accused, for judges and magistrates, and for all who work to bring change in a system that is struggling. We pray for those who are working for change, that they would have strength and determination. We pray that you would bring hope and that your justice and compassion would be seen in practice.


We know you are God, and you have created and love your creation:
How many are your works, Lord.

So, forgive us for the times when we forget who you are and all that you have created for us. Forgive us when we fail to see your plan in our lives and in the lives of others. We know you are God.


A prayer for all ages together

Response after each bidding:
Help us to recognise your greatness.

Lord, your majesty is beyond compare:
you made all created things,
you are beyond our understanding.
We are just a small part of the mystery of creation,
yet we are loved and nurtured by you.
Thank you, Lord. Amen.

A sending out prayer

Go with God and search for his wonders.
Go with God and look for his glory.
Go with God to proclaim his greatness.
Go with God as your Lord and your friend.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed 20-26 Hydref 2024

Wyt ti’n gwybod pwy ydw i?

Job 38:1-7, (34-41)

Galwad i addoli

Defnyddiwch rai o’r awgrymiadau o’r gweithgaredd blaenorol i wahodd pobl i gyfarfod Duw, e.e.
Pwy greodd y moroedd? Duw wnaeth!
Pwy greodd enfysau? Duw wnaeth!
Pwy greodd falwod, morfilod a bleiddiaid? Duw wnaeth!
Pwy greodd y glaw, yr haul a’r eira? Duw wnaeth!
Pwy ydym ni wedi dod i’w addoli? Duw ein creawdwr.

Gweddi ymgynnull

Arglwydd, rwyt ti’n syfrdanol a rhyfeddol.
Rwyt wedi dy wisgo yn harddwch y byd a greaist.
Rwyt ti’n rheoli’r awyr a’r dyfroedd.
Molwn di am dy greadigaethau dirifedi,
am yr harddwch gwefreiddiol yr wyt wedi’i greu.
Ti a’u gwnaeth yn dy ddoethineb.
Molwn di, Arglwydd.

Gweddi ddynesu

Dduw hollalluog, down atat heddiw mewn rhyfeddod a pharchedig ofn, wrth i ni glywed dy lais o’r corwynt, a thystio i’th allu a’th fawredd yn y greadigaeth. Ti yw yr Arglwydd ac rwyt ti’n gwybod popeth. Dysga ni, darostynga ni a datgela dy hun i ni. Helpa ni i ddynesu atat mewn parch a ffydd, a’th addoli di mewn ysbryd a gwirionedd. Gweddïwn yn enw Iesu.

Gweddi o addoliad

Dduw gogoneddus, molwn di ac addolwn di am dy weithredoedd syfrdanol, dy greadigaethau rhyfeddol a’th ddoethineb arbennig. Creaist y nefoedd a’r ddaear ac rwyt yn cynnal pob bywyd. Ti yw llywodraethwr y storm a’r môr, a darparwr ein holl anghenion. Ti yw archoffeiriad y cyfamod newydd, a chyfryngwr pob gras. Ti yw Brenin y brenhinoedd ac Arglwydd yr arglwyddi, a chyfaill pechaduriaid. Rwyt yn teilyngu pob clod ac yn haeddu pob addoliad.

Gweddi o gyffes

Dduw maddeugar, cyffeswn ein bod wedi pechu yn dy erbyn di ac yn erbyn ein cymdogion. Rydym wedi methu adnabod dy bresenoldeb a’th awdurdod yn ein bywydau. Rydym wedi amau dy ddaioni a’th gyfiawnder yn ein byd. Rydym wedi gwrthsefyll dy arweiniad a’th gywiro yn ein calonnau. Rydym wedi bod yn hunanol ac uchelgeisiol, yn hytrach nag yn wylaidd a gwasanaethgar.
Maddau i ni, O Dduw.

Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Dduw graslon, diolch i ti am dy faddeuant a’th drugaredd. Diolch i ti am beidio â’n condemnio, ond yn hytrach ein caru. Diolch i ti am anfon dy Fab Iesu Grist i farw dros ein pechodau, ac atgyfodi eto er mwyn ein hachub. Diolch i ti am roi i ni dy Ysbryd Sanctaidd i fyw yn ein calonnau, ac am ein sicrhau ni o’th faddeuant. Diolch i ti am ein galw wrth ein henwau ac am ein hawlio fel dy eiddo dy hun.

Gweddi o ddiolchgarwch

Dduw rhyfeddol, molwn di am dy weithredoedd ardderchog a’th rym nerthol.
Molwn di am dy gariad tragwyddol.
Molwn di am fod yn ffyddlon i’th addewidion.
Molwn di am dy gyffyrddiad iachaol.
Molwn di am dy roddion hael.
Molwn di am dy bresenoldeb graslon.

Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

Ymateb ar ôl pob archiad: Helpa ni i gydnabod dy fawredd.
Arglwydd, mae dy fawredd yn ddigymar:
ti a wnaeth y cyfan a grëwyd,
rwyt y tu hwnt i’n deall.
Dim ond rhan fach o ddirgelwch y greadigaeth ydym ni,
ac eto rwyt ti’n ein caru a’n meithrin.
Diolch i ti, Arglwydd.

Gweddi i gloi

Ewch gyda Duw a chwiliwch am ei ryfeddodau.
Ewch gyda Duw a chwiliwch am ei ogoniant.
Ewch gyda Duw i gyhoeddi ei fawredd.
Ewch gyda Duw fel eich Arglwydd a’ch ffrind.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

God of the earth, the air, the lightning and the sea,
we have gathered together to listen to you.
Help us to turn what we hear into understanding;
help us to know you better.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for children

God, our heavenly king,
when we see all you have made
we are almost speechless.
When we think of your power,
all we can say is, ‘Wow! You are amazing!’

A prayer for forgiveness for children

we know that we don’t always listen,
and we’re sorry.
We know that we forget to give you praise,
and we’re sorry.
Help us remember that you are so much bigger
than we can imagine.

A prayer for others for children

Holy God,
all around the world:
When the earth gives way beneath their feet,
when fires burn and waters burst the riverbanks,
when the wind blows away homes,
protect and comfort the people you have made.

A sending out prayer for children

Give us the words to tell our friends and families
everything you have done and made,
so that everyone may know who you are. Amen.

A prayer for very young children: Look outside

With the group, stand near a window and look outside.
Ask the children to shout out the things they can see that God made. Pray:

God, we know that you are the creator
and you made all these things.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 20-26 Hydref 2024

Wyt ti’n gwybod pwy ydw i?

Job 38:1-7, (34-41)

Gweddi ymgynnull

Dduw y ddaear, yr awyr, y mellt a’r môr,
rydym wedi dod at ein gilydd i wrando arnat ti.
Helpa ni i droi’r hyn yr ydym yn ei glywed yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn ei ddeall;
helpa ni i’th adnabod di yn well.

Edrychwch tuag allan

Gyda’r grŵp, sefwch wrth ymyl ffenestr ac edrychwch allan. Gofynnwch i’r plant weiddi enwau’r pethau y gallant eu gweld a wnaed gan Dduw. Gweddïwch:

Dduw, rydym yn gwybod mai ti yw’r creawdwr ac mai ti sydd wedi gwneud y pethau hyn i gyd.

Gweddi o fawl a diolchgarwch

Dduw, ein brenin nefol,
pan welwn y cyfan yr wyt ti wedi’i wneud
rydym bron heb ddim geiriau.
Pan feddyliwn am dy allu,
y cyfan y gallwn ei ddweud yw, ‘Waw! Rwyt ti’n rhyfeddol!’

Gweddi am faddeuant

rydym yn gwybod nad ydym yn gwrando bob amser,
ac mae’n ddrwg gennym.
Rydym yn gwybod ein bod yn anghofio rhoi clod i ti,
ac mae’n ddrwg gennym.
Helpa ni i gofio dy fod di cymaint yn fwy nag y gallwn ni ddychmygu.

Gweddi dros eraill

Dduw sanctaidd,
ledled y byd:
Pan fydd y ddaear yn suddo o dan eu traed,
pan fydd tanau yn llosgi a dyfroedd yn gorlifo dros y glannau,
pan fydd y gwynt yn chwythu cartrefi i ffwrdd,
amddiffynna a chysura’r bobl yr wyt wedi eu creu.

Gweddi i gloi

Dduw cariadlon,
mae gennym gymaint o gwestiynau a chyn lleied o atebion.
Helpa ni i ymddiried yn dy ddaioni, hyd yn oed pan fydd bywyd yn anodd.
Helpa ni i ddal ein gafael ynot ti, a chofio dy fod yn gofalu amdanom,
hyd yn oed pan fyddwn yn methu deall.
Gweddïwn y byddi di’n rhoi’r geiriau i ni
i ddweud wrth ein ffrindiau a’n teuluoedd
am bopeth yr wyt ti wedi ei wneud a’i greu,
fel y bydd pawb yn gwybod pwy wyt ti.

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