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Job 38.1-7,(34-41); Psalm 104.1-9,24,35c; Hebrews 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45

Share the Word

Adult & All Age

Share the Word

Ways to present Job 38:1-7,(34-41) and Mark 10:35-45

All age act of worship Session

Job 38:1-7,(34-41)

CORRECTION: Apologies but there is an incorrect reference to a drama in the magazine for this item..

The back story to this reading is important to help make sense of the story – use the précis ‘A brief guide to the story of Job’ to help with understanding. See also The Bible Project's Guide to the Book of Job.


Mark 10:35-45

At the turn of the 21st century, the BBC conducted a poll asking people who they thought were the greatest Britons to have lived. (If you are not in the UK, do a poll about who the congregation think are the greatest in your country.)

There were some surprises along the way – see full list here.

(The top 10 were: Churchill/Isambard Kingdom Brunel/ Diana, Princess of Wales/Darwin/Shakespeare/Isaac Newton/ Elizabeth I/John Lennon/Nelson/Oliver Cromwell.)

See if anyone can guess who the top 10 were. Explore why they think they were considered ‘great’.

Invite the congregation to listen out for Jesus’ definition of greatness in the Gospel reading.

The reading would be most effective if read with different voices, ideally three and a narrator. You could split the words said by James and John into two separate voices or they could speak together. After hearing the reading, pose the question:
Looking at Jesus’ definition of ‘greatness’, are there people you would take off the list or add to it?

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Bible study (suitable for individuals,
small family/household groups,
or online groups).

Children & Youth

Share the Word

Ways to present Job 38:1-7,(34-41)


A version of the story for under 5s

Very young childrens Session

Share the story

Fill a story bag with small balls to be the earth and planets, glittery stars, pictures of a rain cloud and lightning bolt, play people, toy lion and bird. Ask the children to take one each and add it to a story mat as you share the story.

God spoke to Job in a great storm and asked:
Who made the earth, the planets, the sun and the stars?
Who makes the rain to pour down and the lightning bolts to crack?
Who made humans beings to be wise?
Who made clouds to send rain?
Who made the lion to hunt and the raven to feed her chicks?



Childrens Session

Read the story and pause at the  to share these points with the children (see Stop and share below). Then use the activity to explore the passage together. (10 mins)

Click on the image to view a PDF. Once loaded you may need to click on the three dots in the top right to view it as a 2 page spread.


Stop and share

Suffer means physical or mental pain that a person or animal is feeling.

This is a poetic way of talking about how God created the earth, comparing it to a building or a house that has foundations laid first as a strong level base to build on.

When God formed the earth and galaxy, humans and animals had not yet been created, but angels had, and they sang for joy.

A raven is a big, black bird. God set up creation so that the animals can look after themselves and feed their young. By setting it up this way, God is looking after them.

Storm sounds      W S

You will need: (optional) rain sticks and percussion instruments.

  • Read the story through once, allowing the children to understand what is happening. Explain that you are going
    to read the story again, pausing so that they can add sound effects.
  • Dramatise the wind/storm and thunder/lightning by blowing, stomping, rubbing hands together or using rain sticks, allowing the sound effects to punctuate God’s Words as the reading goes on. You could record the drama on a mobile phone and share it with church and/or carers.



Young people Session

The voice of God       E

You will need: copies of the passage.

  • Ask for volunteers to read this week’s passage, each taking on a different emotion, e.g. angry, loving, disappointed.
    How does hearing the passage read in different styles help to hear who God is, and understand how God is answering Job’s questions?


Spiritual styles abbreviations
W Word E Emotion S Symbol A Action
Read our Spiritual Styles articles
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