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Job 38.1-7,(34-41); Psalm 104.1-9,24,35c; Hebrews 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45

Children's session

As we continue our journey through Job, we come to a dialogue between Job and God. Rather than providing words of comfort in Job’s suffering, God points Job towards his power as the creator of the universe. God’s omnipotence throws Job’s creatureliness into stark relief.

Extra ideas including resources for very young children can be found by using the Jump to this week's menu on the right.


Prepare and reflect

Childrens Session

Read Bible notes on Job 38:1-7,(34-41)

Job’s life has gone very wrong, and he’s suffering. He prays, asking God the age-old question: Why? After some time, God answers. At first, it might seem that God’s response to Job is harsh. However, we are reminded that, despite Job’s suffering and the suffering of the world, God is still powerful, sovereign and present. God cares enough to answer, and God cares about the details of creation. Job is reminded of who God is – bigger than all his problems and to be revered.

What ‘whys’ are on your mind as you prepare for this session?
How might God respond to these questions?

Help the children to realise that asking God ‘why’ is common, through all time and place. When God answers, it is by revealing more of the awesome nature of God through his care of all creation.

Don't forget:
Activity and colouring sheets
A resource to encourage family faith at home.
Songs, Prayers, Images
and links to templates and other online resources.


Use the song, prayer and activity to gather the group and introduce the theme. (5 mins)

Childrens Session

Asking: Why?        W E

  • Play the song ‘Why is the Sky Blue?’, Nick Cope.
  • Ask the children to help you compile a list of ‘Why’ questions.
    » Why is the sky blue?
    » Why aren’t birds electrocuted when they sit on wires?
    » Why are there so many wars?
    » Why is the moon sometimes out in the day, too?
    » Why do people die?
    » Why do I like oranges and my friend hates them?
  • Affirm all the great questions, and explain that today we will find out how God answered when Job asked ‘Why’?

A gathering prayer for children

God of the earth, the air, the lightning and the sea,
we have gathered together to listen to you.
Help us to turn what we hear into understanding;
help us to know you better.

Share the Word
Childrens Session

Read the story and pause at the  to share these points with the children (see Stop and share below). Then use the activity to explore the passage together. (10 mins)

Click on the image to view a PDF. Once loaded you may need to click on the three dots in the top right to view it as a 2 page spread.


Stop and share

Suffer means physical or mental pain that a person or animal is feeling.

This is a poetic way of talking about how God created the earth, comparing it to a building or a house that has foundations laid first as a strong level base to build on.

When God formed the earth and galaxy, humans and animals had not yet been created, but angels had, and they sang for joy.

A raven is a big, black bird. God set up creation so that the animals can look after themselves and feed their young. By setting it up this way, God is looking after them.

Storm sounds      W S

You will need: (optional) rain sticks and percussion instruments.

  • Read the story through once, allowing the children to understand what is happening. Explain that you are going
    to read the story again, pausing so that they can add sound effects.
  • Dramatise the wind/storm and thunder/lightning by blowing, stomping, rubbing hands together or using rain sticks, allowing the sound effects to punctuate God’s Words as the reading goes on. You could record the drama on a mobile phone and share it with church and/or carers.
Explore and respond

Use these ideas to help the children make connections between the Bible passage and their lives. (20 mins)

Childrens Session

Do you know who I am?       W E

Understand that creator God made us all different

You will need: to gather images of Global-Majority heritage characters, e.g. Rosa Parks, Madhu Jaffrey, Oscar Romero.

  • Explain that October is Black History Month, when we celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British society. Job’s encounter with God helped him get a bigger perspective, a different view of his place in the world. Learning about different people who have shaped our world can help us to understand more about our place in the world, and how we can make a difference and how we can be a good friend.
  • Give a short explanation of the characters you have selected. Ask: Do you think it was difficult for these people to make a difference? In what ways did they suffer for the thing(s) they contributed to the world?

Bug hotel
Click on the image to view a larger version.

Bug hotel       S A

Show care for God’s creation

You will need: empty tin cans (prepare by smoothing edges where the opening is), cardboard tubes, small twigs, bark, string, instructions.

  • God’s response to Job’s questions is to show Job the bigger picture – God oversees and cares for all creation. Insects are a part of God’s creation, and we can look after them just as God cares for us.
  • Insert twigs into the tubes and insert those tubes into the empty can until it is filled tight. Tie a piece of string around the can and hang it on a tree. Label the can, ‘Bug Hotel’.
  • You could see if a child would like to take responsibility for checking the bug hotel and replacing materials, as necessary.


God’s care for creation   E S

Identify God’s greatness by looking at creation

You will need: an outdoor green space and enough adults to supervise the children safely. If an outdoor space is not available, you could provide images or bring some of nature (or even a small pet) in for the children to touch.

  • In mixed-aged groups of two to three children, invite children to wander round an outside space and identify what is man-made and what is made by Creator God.
  • Adults can lead by asking:
    o What has been made by God?
    o How does God take care of all the creatures and plants?
    God’s care may be indirect, so you can prompt the children to see how God gives pets owners who take care of them.


Talk together and talk to God

Discuss the theme, then bring your thoughts together in prayer

  • Job’s friends blamed Job for his problems. What are good ways to support friends in hard times?
  • Do you ever feel like God has forgotten you or is far away?
  • Sometimes bad and sad things happen, and we don’t understand why, but we know that God loves us. Job was honest with God about his feelings. What do you want to say to God?


Worshipping God the Creator    W E S

Thank God for caring for creation

You will need: video clip and the means to show it.

  • As you watch the video, remember how God reminded Job of his role in creation. Consider: How many fish are in the sea? How many animals are in the world? What an amazing God we have that made so many different plants and animals and who looks after us all.
Childrens Session

Activity and colouring sheet

Click on the graphic to view this week's sheets.

Go with God

Consider together what you have explored, what that means for each of you and how it might influence your daily lives. (10 mins)

Childrens Session
  • Encourage the children to write or draw their big, honestquestions/thoughts about God on one side of some paper.
  • After some time, flip the paper over and reflect on God’s words to Job. Encourage the children to draw/write God’s response to their questions. Put their pictures in a basket as an offering to God.


A sending out prayer for children

Give us the words to tell our friends and families
everything you have done and made,
so that everyone may know who you are. Amen.

Go with God 24/7

Put faith into action

Watch ‘Job song’ from What’s in the Bible. This week, try to be a good friend to others who are suffering.



Before you finish,
give out the Thrive
resource to encourage
faith at home.


Spiritual styles abbreviations
Read our Spiritual Styles articles
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Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
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