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Job 38.1-7,(34-41); Psalm 104.1-9,24,35c; Hebrews 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45


Adult & All Age

Prepare your session

Use the Jump menu on the right to find Bible notes and other resources.

Children & Youth

Prepare and reflect

Tips on preparing this week's sessions for children and young people

Use the Jump menu on the right to find Bible notes and other resources.

Prepare your children's session

Prepare your under 5s session

Prepare your young people's session


Prepare your children's session

Childrens Session

Read Bible notes on Job 38:1-7,(34-41)

Job’s life has gone very wrong, and he’s suffering. He prays, asking God the age-old question: Why? After some time, God answers. At first, it might seem that God’s response to Job is harsh. However, we are reminded that, despite Job’s suffering and the suffering of the world, God is still powerful, sovereign and present. God cares enough to answer, and God cares about the details of creation. Job is reminded of who God is – bigger than all his problems and to be revered.

What ‘whys’ are on your mind as you prepare for this session?
How might God respond to these questions?

Help the children to realise that asking God ‘why’ is common, through all time and place. When God answers, it is by revealing more of the awesome nature of God through his care of all creation.

Don't forget:
Activity and colouring sheets
A resource to encourage family faith at home.
Songs, Prayers, Images
and links to templates and other online resources.


Prepare your under 5s session

Very young children's Session

Read: Prepare and reflect - see Children's session Prepare
Play ideas:
basket filled with small world people and animals.
Don't forget: Colouring sheet


Prepare your young people's session

Young people Session

Read Bible notes on Job 38:1-7,(34-41)

After 37 chapters of Job pleading and his friends commenting on his situation, God answers Job. The nature of God is revealed in this poetic response, which demonstrates God’s role and power as the creator of the earth. God is in control and is fully invested in his handiwork.

When have you felt like you have been waiting for God to hear your call? Did you ever question God’s power?

At first glance we could read this passage and hear a very angry and authoritative version of God. Be aware of how the group react to authority. It is a good challenge to try and see this passage with a different lens, to explore God’s majesty rather than wrath.

Don't forget:
: a weekly biblical reflection on youth and contemporary culture.
Thrive: A resource to encourage family faith at home.
Plus: Images and links to templates, music tracks and other online resources.

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