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Related Bible reading(s): Job 38.1-7,(34-41)

Hymns, songs & music

Related to the Bible readings

Includes suggestions for:
Adult & All Ages; Children & Youth hymns in Welsh; and alternative online sources.

'Praise To The One'
FREE! download(s) from Same Boat Music.

If you wish to download the FREE! lyrics, scores and mp3 files, you can either follow the download instructions on or the Roots recommended instructions.
Please note that songs for the current and subsequent issue ONLY are available on so it's important that, for each issue, you download the songs you're interested in by the last day of the current issue.


Suggestions for Adult & All Ages

(Songs in italics are suitable for all ages.)

Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the holy one, is here
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
Eternal Father, gracious King
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom
God of grace and God of laughter
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father
How awesome is your name
I stand in awe of who you are
Jesus, you are changing me
Like the sunshine after rainfall
Lord all-knowing, you have found me
O worship the king
Our God is a great big God
Praise to the Lord, the almighty,
the King of creation!
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
The Lord is King! Lift up your voice
There is no moment of my life
The spacious firmament on high
You knew me at the start
You know us inside out


Sing: Suggestions for Children & Youth

Preview songs on YouTube, buy online and download.


Very young childrens Session

0-5s song(s)

To the tune: The wheels on the bus
The God we serve is big and strong, big and strong, big and strong,
the God we serve is big and strong, all day long.
God loves us all through ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs,
God loves us all through ups and downs,
all day long.



What A Mighty God We Serve (Kids Praise and Worship), Listener Kids (Video; Chords)

My God is so big (Video; Chords)

Our God is a Great Big God (Video; Chords)

Why is the Sky Blue?’, Nick Cope.


Great Are You Lord, All Sons & Daughters, All Sons & Daughters Complete Collection (Video; Chords)

Who You Say I Am, Hillsong Worship, There Is More

Big God, Terrain on Big God (Video; Chords).

Job’s Song’, Kendall Gregory

Indescribable’, Chris Tomlin


 Welsh hymn selection

Ceisiwch yn gyntaf deyrnas ein Duw (CFf 274)
Datganaf dy glod, O Arglwydd fy Nuw (CFf 117)
Distewch, cans mae presenoldeb Crist (CFf 600)
Mae’n Duw ni mor fawr (CFf 151)
Mae’n Duw ni yn Dduw mawr cryf (Canu Clod 266)
Mawl fo i’r Arglwydd, sy’n Frenin gogoniant a mawredd (CFf 223)
Mawr dy ffyddlondeb (
Yr un rwyt yn dweud yr wyf (


Other music sources


See also: How I choose music for Roots' weekly lectionary resources
Read the article and listen to the podcast.
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Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
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