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Related Bible reading(s): Job 38.1-7,(34-41)

Go with God

Consider together what you have explored, what that means for each of you and how it might influence your daily lives. (10 mins)



Childrens Session
  • Encourage the children to write or draw their big, honestquestions/thoughts about God on one side of some paper.
  • After some time, flip the paper over and reflect on God’s words to Job. Encourage the children to draw/write God’s response to their questions. Put their pictures in a basket as an offering to God.


Go with God 24/7

Put faith into action

Watch ‘Job song’ from What’s in the Bible. This week, try to be a good friend to others who are suffering.



Before you finish,
give out the Thrive
resource to encourage
faith at home.



Very young childrens Session


My God is so big



Young people Session
  • Play ‘Big God’, Terrian on Big God (Video; Chords).
  • Ask the group to write down on flipchart paper as manywords as they can to describe God, e.g. holy, loving, forgiving, writing just one word per sheet.
  • Once complete, ask the young people to write down moments in their lives when they have felt each quality of God. Ask: Which quality of God do you want to get to know more?


Go with God 24/7

Go for a walk this week and take notice of all God has created – get to know who God is through exploring creation.



As you finish,
give out the Thrive
resource  to encourage
faith at home.



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W Word E Emotion S Symbol A Action
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Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
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