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Acts 11.1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21.1-6; John 13.31-35

Open the Word

Ways to help all ages engage with the readings

Adult & All Age

To help the listener: Context to today's readings

Jesus talks about the future

The reader could use these words to provide context:

Before Judas’ return with the soldiers, Jesus says he is leaving his ‘little children’. When their love for one another is shaped by his love for them, then they too will go out into the world’s darkness to love, as we see in Acts, even those whom they thought ‘unclean’.

Present the New Testament

New truth is revealed to Peter

Peter is trying to balance what he has known to be true with what he is discovering about his new life. He is reminded in a dream that everything God made in creation is good.Prepare a large white flag attached to a long cane. The flag should be of a light material (e.g. parachute material) that will float and hover as it is waved around. After the reading, play ‘Circle of life‘ (from the film The Lion King), and wave the flag over the people, to represent and remind them that they and all creation are made and loved by God, and that the Spirit continues to hover over creation, loving us and nudging us into God’s new creation. Move the flag around and over the people in time to the music, sometimes moving it quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes swooping up into the air in a spiral, and down again. Let it finally come to rest in front of the people as the music ends. 

Present the Gospel

Why are we reading this passage today?

Read the Gospel passage, then ask the question: ‘Why are we reading this today?’ Leave a space for silent and personal reflection on the reading and the question.

Now read the short poem ‘May I sit here?’ which is the final part of Debi Thomas’ blog. You could read the poem using different voices to ask the question: ‘May I sit here?’ each time it occurs, or you could prepare in advance a dramatic presentation. Alternatively, you could read/explore the whole of the blog entry.

After the poem, keep a few moments of silence, then read the Gospel passage a second time.

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Template: Heart shape


Present the reading & Talk together

John 13.31-35: Two ways to tell the story followed by ideas for discussion time

Present the reading

Knowing that he will leave them soon, Jesus explains to his disciples that in his death, God is glorified in him. He gives his disciples a new commandment: love one another.

Choose from these two ways of telling the story.

Powerful words

Read the first paragraph of the story and then challenge the children to form the letters of the word ‘GLORY’ with their bodies on the floor. Read the second paragraph and invite them to do the same for the word ‘LOVE’.

Spread the light

Darken the room, sit in a circle and place a large lighted candle in the centre. Give everyone a tealight. This reading comes from a dark time – Jesus knows he will die soon and wants his disciples to understand more about him and God. Read the story, and then light a taper from the central candle and carefully give it to each child to light their tealight as a symbol of understanding and hope.

Talk together

  • Have you ever you seen or felt God’s glory? Where?
  • When have you experienced God’s love, particularly through other people?
  • How can we show more clearly our love for one another?
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Story: Jesus tells his disciples to love one another

A story for children based on John 13.31-35

For very young children

With very young children

Play, and explore loving one another

Play materials: silver and gold card hearts, ‘hidden’ around the play space to be found by the children.

Mini Bible story with actions

Seeing the glory and sharing the love

Jesus said, ‘Now you can see the Son of Man’s glory,
Reach arms wide and twinkle fingers.
and also the Father’s glory.
Point up and twinkle fingers.
Love one another,
Hold hands.
as I have loved you.
Put hand on heart, then point round the room.
Then everyone will know
Tap head.
that you follow me.’
Walk fingers, one hand following the other.

Repeat so the children can join in.

Love one another…

You will need: hearts of different colours and sizes cut from paper/card, plastic or wooden figures of people, or pictures cut from magazines.

Invite the children to arrange patterns of hearts around the ‘people’.

…as I have loved you

You will need: paper plates, a good quantity of red or pink playdough, (optional) glitter, rolling pins, heart-shaped cutters or cards (template) and plastic knives, paper plates, pens.

Invite the children to write their names on a paper plate, and then roll the playdough and make hearts to put on their plate.


You will need: a large red heart cut from card, a bowl of glitter or sequins.

Invite the children to sprinkle a pinch of glitter or some sequins over the heart.
Finish with this prayer.
Ask the children to repeat each phrase after you:

Lord Jesus,
help us to see your glory,
and share your love
with each other.

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