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Related Bible reading(s): John 13.31-35

With very young children

Play, and explore loving one another

Play materials: silver and gold card hearts, ‘hidden’ around the play space to be found by the children.

Mini Bible story with actions

Seeing the glory and sharing the love

Jesus said, ‘Now you can see the Son of Man’s glory,
Reach arms wide and twinkle fingers.
and also the Father’s glory.
Point up and twinkle fingers.
Love one another,
Hold hands.
as I have loved you.
Put hand on heart, then point round the room.
Then everyone will know
Tap head.
that you follow me.’
Walk fingers, one hand following the other.

Repeat so the children can join in.

Love one another…

You will need: hearts of different colours and sizes cut from paper/card, plastic or wooden figures of people, or pictures cut from magazines.

Invite the children to arrange patterns of hearts around the ‘people’.

…as I have loved you

You will need: paper plates, a good quantity of red or pink playdough, (optional) glitter, rolling pins, heart-shaped cutters or cards (template) and plastic knives, paper plates, pens.

Invite the children to write their names on a paper plate, and then roll the playdough and make hearts to put on their plate.


You will need: a large red heart cut from card, a bowl of glitter or sequins.

Invite the children to sprinkle a pinch of glitter or some sequins over the heart.
Finish with this prayer.
Ask the children to repeat each phrase after you:

Lord Jesus,
help us to see your glory,
and share your love
with each other.

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