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24 - 30 April 2016
Easter glory
John 13.31-35
  • After their last supper Judas departs and Jesus speaks to the remaining disciples.
  • Jesus talks about divine glory, which he links to his own departure from them.
  • He has loved them, and their love for one another will be his abiding witness.


This week’s resources explore:
seeing glory in unexpected places; loving as Jesus loves – serving others and loving those we don’t choose to love.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Easter 5
Acts 11.1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21.1-6; John 13.31-35

There's still time to complete our survey. We have had a good response to our survey – thank you to everyone who’s completed it. If you haven’t taken part in this research yet, please let us know how you use ROOTS and how else we might support you. We’ve extended the deadline till 30 April. Don’t forget – 10 respondents will get £50 off their next renewal and we’re giving away 20 copies of the ROOTS resource collections as well.
Complete the survey now.

From the resources bank
  • Easter 5 focused on Acts 11.1-18 (2013)
  • Easter 5 focused on Revelation 21.1-6 (2010)
  • Easter 5 focused on Acts 11.1-18 (2007)
  • Easter 5 focused on John 13.31-35 (2004)
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