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Acts 11.1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21.1-6; John 13.31-35

Send out

A prayer and discipleship action for this coming week

Adult & All Age

Live in faith

Remember that we are close to the risen Lord

Invite people to pick up a glitter stone (see A simple worship activity for all ages ) as they leave, and, by holding it for a few moments, to let it remind them of their closeness to the risen Christ, and to say to someone, each day, ‘He is risen!’

A sending out prayer

'By this everyone will know ...'

based on John 13.35

‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.’
Lord, we go out now,
in your name and in your love.
Bless us, Lord.

Children & Young People

Live in faith

Suggestions for Children & Young People

For children

Encourage the children to use their challenge booklets, or suggest they do an act of service for someone every day this week.

For young people

Keep a record of all the things you experience this week that remind you of God’s glory or Jesus’ love.

A sending out prayer for children

Prayers to end the session

Jesus, you said to your disciples,
‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’
But wherever we go, you come with us.
We pray for your love in our lives this week,
through the Holy Spirit.
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