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Related Bible reading(s): John 13.31-35
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Explore & respond

Do; Make; Pray


Glimpses of glory          15 mins E S

Spot glimpses of glory in unexpected places

You will need: (optional) cameras/phones.

  • Take the children on a walk outside or around your building, looking for glimpses of glory – things that make us smile and remind us of God, e.g. a beautiful flower, children’s artwork.
  • The children could take pictures to discuss later or create a display/slideshow to show in church.

Love in action         10 mins E A

Guess Jesus’ actions and consider how we can show acts of love

You will need: slips of paper, a container.

  • Beforehand, write out on separate slips Jesus’ loving actions: Healed the sick; Welcomed children; Fed the five thousand; Calmed the storm; Cried for his friend Lazarus; Washed the disciples’ feet; Shared bread and wine; Died on the cross. Fold these slips up and put them in a container.
  • Invite individuals up to pick a slip and mime the action for the others to guess. Once everyone has had a turn at miming, talk together about ways in which we can mirror Jesus’ behaviour and share his love.


Glory and love duster          15 mins S A

A reminder that God’s glory is seen in our love and service to others

You will need: new dusters, one per child, paintbrushes, lemon juice in dishes, (optional) an iron.

  • Give everyone a duster and a paintbrush. Invite the children to paint the words ‘Glory’ and ‘Love’ onto their duster with lemon juice. They can add decorations around the edge.
  • Leave the dusters to dry and explain that when they are ironed, the words will magically appear! If possible, demonstrate this with an iron and a prepared duster.
  • Talk about how God’s glory and love can be seen in our service to one another, and encourage the children to take their dusters home to use.

Challenge booklet          20 mins W E S A

Explore active ways of loving others and making a difference

You will need: A4 paper, a stapler, pens, felt tips, (optional) old Love Life Live Lent booklets, internet access.

  • Show the group some old Love Life Live Lent booklets or go online for ideas on serving others (Further resources). Which actions are appealing/fun/challenging?
  • Give everyone two sheets of A4 paper. Show them how to make a simple booklet by folding the sheets in half and stapling them in two places along the folded edge, to create a front cover, and one page per day for the week ahead. They can decorate the front cover with words and pictures.
  • Encourage the children to write a challenge for each day in their booklet, e.g. an act of kindness for a friend, family member or someone they find it difficult to get on with.
  • The children can tick off the challenges as they do them each day, and write down any consequences. Report back next week!


Light in the darkness          10 mins E S

Invite Jesus’ love and glory into dark places

You will need: newspapers and scissors, a large black cloth, a large candle, matches, battery tealights, one per child.

  • Give everyone some newspaper pages and scissors, and invite them to cut out headlines and pictures of situations around the world that need our prayers.
  • Lay out the headlines and pictures on the black cloth, leaving space in the centre. Remind the children that Jesus knows what it feels like to suffer and be in a dark situation. Light the candle and place it in the centre of the cloth.
  • Give each person a battery tealight, and invite them to place it on the cloth, among the cuttings. Close with a prayer:

Lord Jesus,
we pray that you would bring
your light, love, hope and glory
into the midst of this darkness.

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