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Related Bible reading(s): John 13.31-35

Present the reading & Talk together

John 13.31-35: Two ways to tell the story followed by ideas for discussion time

Present the reading

Knowing that he will leave them soon, Jesus explains to his disciples that in his death, God is glorified in him. He gives his disciples a new commandment: love one another.

Choose from these two ways of telling the story.

Powerful words

Read the first paragraph of the story and then challenge the children to form the letters of the word ‘GLORY’ with their bodies on the floor. Read the second paragraph and invite them to do the same for the word ‘LOVE’.

Spread the light

Darken the room, sit in a circle and place a large lighted candle in the centre. Give everyone a tealight. This reading comes from a dark time – Jesus knows he will die soon and wants his disciples to understand more about him and God. Read the story, and then light a taper from the central candle and carefully give it to each child to light their tealight as a symbol of understanding and hope.

Talk together

  • Have you ever you seen or felt God’s glory? Where?
  • When have you experienced God’s love, particularly through other people?
  • How can we show more clearly our love for one another?
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