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Related Bible reading(s): Acts 11.1-18

Present the New Testament

New truth is revealed to Peter

Peter is trying to balance what he has known to be true with what he is discovering about his new life. He is reminded in a dream that everything God made in creation is good.Prepare a large white flag attached to a long cane. The flag should be of a light material (e.g. parachute material) that will float and hover as it is waved around. After the reading, play ‘Circle of life‘ (from the film The Lion King), and wave the flag over the people, to represent and remind them that they and all creation are made and loved by God, and that the Spirit continues to hover over creation, loving us and nudging us into God’s new creation. Move the flag around and over the people in time to the music, sometimes moving it quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes swooping up into the air in a spiral, and down again. Let it finally come to rest in front of the people as the music ends. 
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