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Related Bible reading(s): John 13.31-35

Ideas for a children's talk

Pray that Christians in danger, and their persecutors, would know the presence of the Holy Spirit

When Jesus died the disciples thought it was a disaster, an end; but when he rose again, Jesus promised to be with them always. He could also, by his Spirit, be everywhere.

Display a simple map of the world. Ask for someone to point out where Israel – where Jesus lived – is on the map. Mark it with a big cross. Then provide plenty of markers (e.g. small coloured dots) and ask for the names of any countries where there are Christians now. Put a dot on the map in the appropriate place as each country is identified, but reserve one colour of dot (e.g. red) to indicate countries where Christians risk their lives if they meet together, or are found to have a bible (you can use an internet search on ‘Where in the world is the worst place to be a Christian?’ to get a helpful list and maps).

Jesus made it clear that his promise of eternal life is for everyone, not just those immediately round him. He also told his followers to love each other – as he loved us: everyone, everywhere, even those who make life difficult for us.

Let us pray together for those who face danger for their faith, and let us pray for those who persecute them, that they may also come to know God’s love.

Active worship

You could use A simple worship activity for all ages from ROOTS Adult & All Age Issue 82, p.37 of the magazine and Active worship: Caring, sharing.

You could also use A prayer of thanksgiving and A prayer for all ages together

Bible notes

Notes on Psalm 148 and ideas for using it together.

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