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Related Bible reading(s): John 13.31-35

Active worship

A circle dance, based on the song 'Caring, sharing, loving, giving ...'

In advance, rehearse a circle dance with a small group of people, using the song ‘Caring, sharing, loving, giving‘(BBP 8; CFW 448) - see instructions below). Demonstrate the dance, and then repeat it, inviting all present to join in. The song is short and simple, and the dance will not take long to learn or demonstrate.

  1. Gather everyone together to form a circle.

  2. Each verse of the song has four ‘action verbs’ (caring, sharing, etc.), and a final line,
    ‘Living the Jesus way’ so ask members of the group to suggest simple actions or gestures
    for each ‘action verb’. The following are only suggestions!

    • Caring – place your left hand on the shoulder of the person on your left.
    • Sharing – mime handing something to the person next to you
    • Loving – cross your hands over your heart.
    • Giving – cup hands front of you, then move hand forward in ‘giving’ gesture

    And for the final ‘chorus’ line:

    • Walking – one step into centre
    • The Jesus – index finger touching opposite wrist in turn (this is the BSL sign for Jesus)
    • Way – hands facing, but apart creating a road

  3. To develop this further, and to make it you own dance, write your own verses!

  4. Ask people to think about all the things that the disciples did, or saw Jesus doing,
    as they walked and lived with Jesus, and to find a single word, like those in the song,
    to express that ‘thing’. Invite them to suggest more simple actions to accompany these
    new words. Here are some examples:

    • Listening – lean to the right with your right hand to ear.
    • Inviting – open your arms to the whole group.
    • Resting – rest your head on your hands.
    • Seeing – put your hands above your eyes and look round
    • Praying – put your hands together in prayer
    • Trusting – everyone in the circle holds hands

  5. To make the dance even more interesting (and challenging), ask people to work in pairs,
    mirroring their actions: e.g. one turns right when the other turns to the left, and so on.
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