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Related Bible reading(s): John 16.12-15

Prayers of intercession

Be with all of us today

Loving Father, once again we pray for the Ukraine.

The war is over 100 days old and it’s very hard to hear the relentless stories of broken lives and devastation. President Zelensky has talked this week about losing up to 100 troops a day. And so, we pray once again for everyone impacted by this war:

For those who have lost loved ones, for those who have lost their homes and for those who have been displaced. Please bring comfort, hope and peace.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today.

Loving Father, we pray that we would be people who welcome others.

We are all welcome in your kingdom. Thank you that you see us and know us and that your welcome is deep and personal. We pray particularly for all of the Ukrainian people who are being welcomed by families in the UK. May the people arriving find places of safety where they can rebuild their lives. Help these new households to grow together and learn from one another.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. 

Loving Father, we pray for our nation.

It’s been a turbulent week in Westminster. The political situation in our land is often divisive and can seem filled with strife and difficulties. We are aware that the impact of this week’s vote will play out over the next few months and so we pray for those who are in public service. As parliamentarians of all colours reflect on the past week may they have a renewed sense of purpose, duty and see once again the ways they can impact their communities for the good. As a church, help us to model a community where different people, with very different backgrounds and politics can come together and show love and appreciation for each other.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. 

Loving Father, we pray for our young people.

GCSE, A-level and university finals are in full swing at the moment and many young people will be feeling anxious as they approach long-awaited exams. We pray for their mental health, help them as they revise and prepare. Bring a sense of calm and perspective to all of our young people. We also pray for all of those supporting exam takers in this season. Help parents, carers and teachers as they look after the students who are finding it particularly hard. Please bring peace to troubled minds.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. 

Loving Father, thank you for the mystery of the Trinity.

On this Trinity Sunday we are reminded once again of the deep mystery of our faith. But we are also reminded of the simplicity of the invitation to join in the expression of love and unity represented by the Holy Trinity. As we reflect on today’s readings, renew all of us with your love, bind all of us together with your peace and help us to express to the world the joy and hope we find in your story.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. Amen.

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