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Proverbs 8.1-4,22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5.1-5; John 16.12-15


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

God calls us in this moment.
Jesus welcomes us to this moment.
The Spirit unites us in this moment.
Come and worship!

A gathering prayer

Loving God, as we gather in this moment,
we celebrate your welcome.
Speak to us; challenge us; reassure us.
Take what we offer in worship and praise
that your name may be glorified now and for ever. Amen.

A prayer of approach

It is good to share.
Let us share now in praising the majestic name
of the Lord God and delight in his glory. Amen.

A prayer of adoration

Father God, you are full of joy and love.
You delight in the world you created.
What love you have for us, all created in your image.
We love you and adore you.
What delight you have in the Son,
who is all that you are and who you sent in love
in order that we may be in relationship with you.
We adore you and glorify your name.
What joy and pleasure you had in sending your Holy Spirit
to guide us in all truth and make you known to us.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we give you all glory. Amen.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

A prayer of confession

Lord God, we come to you now to say sorry for all the times we’ve been less than truthful in our relationships, including the one with you. As a consequence, we often miss out on your joy…Lord: please forgive us.
Lord God, we’re sorry for ignoring or being dismissive of others. And of you: for not always wanting to hear or acknowledge your truth…Lord: please forgive us.
Lord God, we’re sorry for the days we spend remembering and living in past experiences rather than living now with you. Help us to focus on our relationship with you now. We need to be forward thinking but not to the point of missing out on your unfolding truth today…Lord: please forgive us. Amen.


Assurance of forgiveness

Because of our faith in Jesus Christ,
who died that we may live,
we stand in God’s grace.
Absolved from guilt we stand forgiven,
rejoicing in the hope and glory of God. Amen.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

Father God, thank you for being in our lives, enjoying the little things with us as well as the bigger events.
Thank you for sharing yourself with us when you sent Jesus. How can we ever thank you enough?
What a gift!
On his return to you, Jesus entered into the joy of your presence. But thank you that he also left joy behind in the form of your Holy Spirit, who remains with us. How can we ever thank you enough?
What a gift!
You take pleasure in us. Our joy is your joy. Your joy is ours. Thank you for all you give us. You impart wisdom, peace and unfolding truth through your Spirit. And you use our life experiences to help and speak to others. Thank you that, whatever point we’re at in life, you are there to meet our needs of the moment, pouring out your gift of love to us. How can we ever thank you enough?
What a gift! Amen.

Prayers of intercession

Loving Father, once again we pray for the Ukraine.

The war is over 100 days old and it’s very hard to hear the relentless stories of broken lives and devastation. President Zelensky has talked this week about losing up to 100 troops a day. And so, we pray once again for everyone impacted by this war:

For those who have lost loved ones, for those who have lost their homes and for those who have been displaced. Please bring comfort, hope and peace.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today.

Loving Father, we pray that we would be people who welcome others.

We are all welcome in your kingdom. Thank you that you see us and know us and that your welcome is deep and personal. We pray particularly for all of the Ukrainian people who are being welcomed by families in the UK. May the people arriving find places of safety where they can rebuild their lives. Help these new households to grow together and learn from one another.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. 

Loving Father, we pray for our nation.

It’s been a turbulent week in Westminster. The political situation in our land is often divisive and can seem filled with strife and difficulties. We are aware that the impact of this week’s vote will play out over the next few months and so we pray for those who are in public service. As parliamentarians of all colours reflect on the past week may they have a renewed sense of purpose, duty and see once again the ways they can impact their communities for the good. As a church, help us to model a community where different people, with very different backgrounds and politics can come together and show love and appreciation for each other.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. 

Loving Father, we pray for our young people.

GCSE, A-level and university finals are in full swing at the moment and many young people will be feeling anxious as they approach long-awaited exams. We pray for their mental health, help them as they revise and prepare. Bring a sense of calm and perspective to all of our young people. We also pray for all of those supporting exam takers in this season. Help parents, carers and teachers as they look after the students who are finding it particularly hard. Please bring peace to troubled minds.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. 

Loving Father, thank you for the mystery of the Trinity.

On this Trinity Sunday we are reminded once again of the deep mystery of our faith. But we are also reminded of the simplicity of the invitation to join in the expression of love and unity represented by the Holy Trinity. As we reflect on today’s readings, renew all of us with your love, bind all of us together with your peace and help us to express to the world the joy and hope we find in your story.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
be with all of us today. Amen.

A prayer of petition

[insert complete prayer]

A way into prayer

[insert complete prayer]

A prayer for all ages together

Thank you, God, that you have been with us
all the way through our lives.
Thank you for your promises for the future.
Thank you that you are with us now.
We rejoice in your presence. Amen.

A sending out prayer

Be in our homes that we may know your peace.
Be in our hearts that we know your love.
Be in our lives that we may take the challenges you present, day by day.

A personal prayer

[insert complete prayer]

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  12-18 Mehefin 2022

Datgelu’r gwir

Ioan 16.12-15


Galwad i addoli

Mae Duw yn ein galw yn y foment hon.
Mae Iesu yn ein croesawu i’r foment hon.
Mae’r Ysbryd yn ein huno yn y foment hon.
Dewch ac addolwch!


Gweddi ymgynnull

Dduw cariadlon, wrth i ni ymgynnull yn y foment hon,
rydym yn dathlu dy groeso.
Siarada â ni; heria ni; argyhoedda ni.
Cymer yr hyn a offrymwn mewn mawl ac addoliad
fel y gogoneddir dy enw yn awr ac am byth.


Gweddi ddynesu

Da yw rhannu.
Rhannwn yn awr ym moliant enw goruchel
yr Arglwydd Dduw ac ymhyfrydwn yn ei ogoniant.


Gweddi o addoliad

Dduw Dad, rwyt yn llawn llawenydd a chariad.
Rwyt yn ymhyfrydu yn y byd a greaist.
Mae gennyt gymaint o gariad tuag atom ni i gyd a grëwyd ar dy ddelw.
Carwn ac addolwn di.
Rwyt yn ymhyfrydu yn y Mab,
sydd yn bopeth wyt ti ac a anfonaist mewn cariad
fel y gallwn ni fod mewn perthynas â thi.
Addolwn di a gogoneddwn dy enw.
Cefaist gymaint o lawenydd a phleser wrth anfon dy Ysbryd Glân
i’n harwain ni yn yr holl wirionedd ac i’th wneud yn adnabyddus i ni.
Dad, Mab ac Ysbryd Glân, rhown bob gogoniant i ti.


Gweddi o gyffes

Arglwydd Dduw, down atat yn awr i ddweud bod yn ddrwg gennym am yr adegau pan fu i ni fethu dweud y gwir yn ein perthynas ag eraill, gan gynnwys ein perthynas â thi. O ganlyniad, rydym yn aml yn methu profi dy lawenydd…Arglwydd: maddau i ni os gweli di’n dda.

Arglwydd Dduw, mae’n ddrwg gennym anwybyddu neu ddiystyru eraill. A thithau: am beidio â bod eisiau clywed neu dderbyn dy wirionedd bob amser…Arglwydd: maddau i ni os gweli di’n dda.

Arglwydd Dduw, mae’n ddrwg gennym am y dyddiau y byddwn yn eu treulio yn cofio ac yn byw ym mhrofiadau’r gorffennol yn hytrach na byw yn y presennol gyda thi. Helpa ni i ganolbwyntio ar ein perthynas gyda thi yn awr. Mae angen i ni feddwl am y dyfodol ond nid i’r graddau bod hynny yn golygu methu gweld dy wirionedd di yn cael ei ddatguddio heddiw…Arglwydd: maddau i ni os gweli di’n dda. Amen.


Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Oherwydd ein ffydd yn Iesu Grist,
a fu farw er mwyn i ni gael byw,
safwn yng ngras Duw.
Wedi ein rhyddhau o euogrwydd ac wedi derbyn maddeuant,
llawenhawn yng ngobaith a gogoniant Duw.


Gweddi o ddiolchgarwch

Dduw Dad, diolch i ti am fod yn ein bywydau, yn mwynhau’r pethau bach gyda ni yn ogystal â’r digwyddiadau mwy.
Diolch i ti am rannu dy hun gyda ni pan anfonaist Iesu. Sut fyth gallwn ni ddiolch digon i ti?
Am rodd!
Wrth iddo ddychwelyd atat ti, aeth Iesu i lawenydd dy bresenoldeb. Ond diolch ei fod hefyd wedi gadael llawenydd ar ei ôl ar ffurf dy Ysbryd Glân, sy’n aros gyda ni. Sut fyth gallwn ni ddiolch digon i ti?
Am rodd!
Rwyt yn ymhyfrydu ynom ni. Ein llawenydd ni yw dy lawenydd di. Dy lawenydd di yw ein llawenydd ni. Diolch i ti am y cyfan yr wyt yn ei roi i ni. Rwyt yn datguddio doethineb, heddwch a gwirionedd cynyddol trwy dy Ysbryd. Ac rwyt yn defnyddio ein profiadau o fywyd i helpu eraill ac i siarad â hwy. Ble bynnag rydym yn ein bywydau, diolch dy fod di yno i ddiwallu ein hanghenion ar y pryd, gan dywallt dy rodd o gariad i ni. Sut gallwn ni fyth ddiolch digon i ti?
Am rodd! Amen.


Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

Diolch i ti, Dduw, am fod gyda ni yr holl ffordd trwy ein bywydau.
Diolch i ti am dy addewidion ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Diolch i ti dy fod gyda ni yn awr.
Llawenhawn yn dy bresenoldeb.


Gweddi i gloi

Bydd yn ein cartrefi fel y cawn adnabod dy heddwch.
Bydd yn ein calonnau fel y cawn adnabod dy gariad.
Bydd yn ein bywydau fel y cawn dderbyn yr heriau a gyflwynir gennyt, ddydd ar ôl dydd.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Holy Spirit, as we gather here today,
help us to listen to you
and to hear your voice guiding and leading us.

A prayer of thanksgiving for children

Almighty God,
thank you that you send your Holy Spirit
so that we can understand the things that we find difficult.

A prayer for forgiveness (for children)

Response line: We are sorry, Lord.

For the times in our past when we haven’t looked to you:
We are sorry, Lord.
For the times when we are distracted from today…
When we worry about tomorrow, instead of trusting in you… Amen.

A prayer for others (for children)

Ask the children to think of those who help to point them to God, and to better understand his teaching. Encourage them to name them as you pray:

Holy Spirit, we thank you
that you help us to understand and to follow.
Today, we pray for…, thank you for their wisdom and guidance.
Fill them afresh we pray.

A sending out prayer for children

Create some simple actions for go, listen and follow.

Holy Spirit, as we go out into the week ahead,
help us to listen to your voice and follow your guiding
to be your witnesses in the world. Amen.

Pray with hands

Ask the children to screw their hands into a fist, and then open them one finger at a time, as you pray:
Thank you, Jesus, that every day I discover more about you. Amen.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 12-18 Mehefin 2022

Datgelu’r gwir

Ioan 16.12-15

Gweddi ymgynnull

Ysbryd Glân, wrth i ni ddod at ein gilydd yma heddiw,
helpa ni i wrando arnat ti
ac i glywed dy lais yn ein cyfarwyddo a’n harwain ni.


Gweddïo gyda dwylo

Gofynnwch i’r plant gau eu dwylo yn ddyrnau, ac yna eu hagor fesul un bys ar y tro, wrth i chi weddïo:

Diolch i ti, Iesu, fy mod i’n dysgu mwy amdanat ti bob dydd.


Gweddi o ddiolch

Dduw hollalluog,
diolch i ti am anfon dy Ysbryd Glân
fel y gallwn ni ddeall y pethau yr ydym yn eu cael yn anodd.


Gweddi am faddeuant

Llinell ymateb: Mae’n ddrwg gennym, Arglwydd.

Am yr adegau yn ein gorffennol pan ydym heb edrych tuag atat ti:
Mae’n ddrwg gennym, Arglwydd.
Am yr adegau pan fyddwn yn tynnu ein sylw oddi ar heddiw…
Pan fyddwn yn poeni am yfory, yn lle ymddiried ynot ti…


Gweddi dros eraill

Gofynnwch i’r plant feddwl am y rhai sy’n eu helpu i’w cyfeirio at Dduw, ac i ddeall yn well yr hyn y mae’n ei ddysgu i ni. Anogwch hwy i’w henwi wrth i chi weddïo:

Ysbryd Glân, rydym yn diolch i ti
dy fod yn ein helpu i ddeall ac i ddilyn.
Heddiw, gweddïwn dros…, diolch i ti am eu doethineb a’u harweiniad.
Gweddïwn ar i ti eu llenwi o’r newydd.


Gweddi i gloi

Dyfeisiwch symudiadau syml ar gyfer mynd, gwrando a dilyn.

Ysbryd Glân, wrth i ni fynd allan i’r wythnos sydd i ddod,
helpa ni i wrando ar dy lais a dilyn dy arweiniad
er mwyn bod yn dystion i ti yn y byd.

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