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12 - 18 June 2022
The unfolding truth
John 16.12-15

This reading is part of a longer passage where Jesus explains the work of the Holy Spirit to his disciples. There is much for the disciples to understand, but Jesus reassures his friends that they know enough for now, and the Holy Spirit will come to guide them into a greater understanding in the future.

What was true for the disciples is true for us too. Our experience of God grows and develops, it is informed by the past, and we will always have more to learn and understand. But we live in the now, and the Holy Spirit will give us what we need to do that.

This week we explore the importance of 'now' in our relationship with God. 

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Trinity Sunday Year C
Proverbs 8.1-4,22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5.1-5; John 16.12-15
Previously published resources on these readings
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