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Proverbs 8.1-4,22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5.1-5; John 16.12-15


Adult & All Age

Prepare your session

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Children & Youth

Prepare your session

Tips on preparing this week's sessions for children and young people

Use the Jump menu on the right to find Bible notes and other resources.

Prepare your children's session

Prepare your very young children's session

Prepare your young people's session


Prepare your children's session

Childrens Session

Read Bible notes on John 16.12-15

Spend a few moments reflecting on your relationship with Jesus in the here and now. How easy do you find it to stay in the present? How much do you worry about the future and/or about what you don’t yet know or understand?

Children may have difficulty with concepts such as ‘now’, ‘past’ and ‘future’. They are just beginning to understand the passage of time, but their focus is on ‘now’. This may be helpful during this session as we focus on their relationship with Jesus now.


Prepare your very young children's session

Very young children's Session

Provide the following play materials for very young children throughout the session: jigsaw puzzles.


Prepare your young people's session

Young people Session

Read Bible notes on John 16.12-15

Spend a little time thinking about how your understanding of God has changed over time and how this impacts your relationship with God and others. We often find it hard to admit that our perception of God has changed, because this involves realising that we are not perfect. 
There is always pressure on young people to think about ‘what’s next?’, and during exam season, particularly, their thoughts will be on results and what that might mean for their future. Encourage the group to focus on the ‘now’ and see how that impacts their daily living. 

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