Find resources for Trinity Sunday Year A Common Worship - alternative first reading is Isaiah 40.12-17,27-31
Resources focused around Genesis 1.1-2,4a
Resources focused around Genesis 1.1–2.4a
Resources based on Matthew 28.16-20
Resources focused on Matthew 28.16-20
Resources focused around John 3.1-17
Resources focused around Romans 8.12-17
Resources focused around all the readings
Resources focused on Isaiah 6.1-8
Resources focused on John 3.1-17
Resources focussed on John 16.12-15
Resources focused around Romans 5.1-5
Resources focused around John 16.12-15
Resources focused on Proverbs 8.1-4,22-31
Resources focused on John 16.12-15
A set of prayers based on George Herbert's poem Trinity Sunday
A simple prayer activity