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24 - 30 January 2021
Do something different
Mark 1.14-20

As Jesus begins his ministry, he asks four fishermen to come with him and immediately they say yes. For them to respond without hesitation requires a lot of courage; it is life-changing. They are prepared to leave what they know behind and learn to ‘fish for people’ with Jesus.

Jesus offers to take their skills and use them for kingdom building. How easy would it be for us to respond to a life-changing call so quickly? Have you experienced God using the skills you have in a new way?

This week we explore responding without hesitation to Jesus.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Epiphany 3 Year B
Jonah 3.1-5,10; Psalm 62.5-12; 1 Corinthians 7.29-31; Mark 1.14-20

Common Worship variation: Gen 14.17-20; Ps 128; Rev 19.6-10; John 2.1-11


24 - 30 Jan is a showcase week and is freely available to all. Please let your friends, family, colleagues and associates know!
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