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Jonah 3.1-5,10; Psalm 62.5-12; 1 Corinthians 7.29-31; Mark 1.14-20

Young people's session

As Jesus begins his ministry, he asks four fishermen to come with him and immediately they say yes. For them to respond without hesitation requires a lot of courage; it is life-changing. They are prepared to leave what they know behind and learn to ‘fish for people’ with Jesus. 

This week we explore responding without hesitation to Jesus.

Extra ideas can be found by using the Jump to this week's menu on the right.


Young people Session

Read Bible notes on Mark 1.14-20

Jesus takes our lives and uses them to their full potential if we will take that first step and follow. Do you remember your first step? How have you seen Jesus using your life for his kingdom?

‘Follow me’ can also be translated ‘come behind me’ – to follow Jesus’ lead and submit to his will. For young people, there may be many influencers they follow, perhaps even without realising it. What is it that makes them want to follow Jesus?

Worship under Covid-19 restrictions
See the general advice and tips on using ROOTS weekly resources for online worship and children's sessions, which includes specific notes on using this week's young peoples resources.
Young people Session

Give out invitations  10 minsW E S 

You will need: invitation cards with envelopes.

  • Prepare invitations for some of the group which read ‘(Name), you have been selected.’ Put these in named envelopes and give them out.

      Play the track ‘You Make Me Brave’ (Live) feat. Amanda Cook, Bethel Music on You Make Me Brave.

  • Ask the young people to imagine that they have been selected for something special – how do they feel about being singled out and called? Ask the rest of the group how it feels to see others being called.


First impressions

You could also use the image and following questions
to help introduce the theme.

Click on image to view larger version or use the Jump menu to go to This week's images.

  • What is it about Jesus that would make you want to say, ‘yes’? 
Share the Word
Young people Session

Move and reflect   5 mins  E S

  • Read the passage out slowly and, as you do, tap the young people gently on the head, one at a time.
  • Encourage them to follow you around the room as you continue to read. Afterwards, discuss how it felt while they were waiting. 
Explore and respond
Young people Session

Make newspaper fish  5 minsW E

Think about what it means to ‘fish for people’

You will need: newspapers, watch/countdown timer, prize for winning team (Haribo™ freaky fish would be ideal!), pens.

  • Divide the group into two teams. Give each team a newspaper and challenge them to make as many fish as they can in two minutes, by ripping up the newspaper. Award a prize to the winning team. NB You may want to save these fish for the prayer activity.
  • Explain that Simon and Andrew were catching fish when they first met Jesus, and he invited them to fish for people which changed their lives for ever. Ask: Would you have responded so quickly to this invitation? 


Social media followers 10 minsW E

Consider the cost – and reward – of being a disciple

You will need: access to the internet. 

  • Do an internet search for the celebrities with the most Instagram followers. Display or print pictures of the top 10 without their names and rank. Invite the young people to name the celebrities and put them in order, from the lowest to highest number of followers.
  • Have a conversation with the group about who the celebrities are using some of these questions: Would you follow them? Why/why not? What does it mean to follow someone on social media? What would you have to give up/change to be a follower? What is the benefit of being one of their followers?


Fish prayers10 minsE S

Pray for those who we would like to follow Jesus

You will need: paper fish or fish from Make newspaper fish.

  • Give out the ‘fish’ and ask the young people to write names on them, either their own or someone they know who they would like to follow Jesus. Put the fish in a net and ask each person to pull out one each (not one they wrote).
  • Invite the young people to hold the fish and pray for each of the people. They can keep them as a reminder to pray for this person through the week.


Check-in: Connecting faith with everyday, real-life issues


Go with God

Consider together what you have explored, what that means for each of you and how it might influence your daily lives. 

Young people Session

Consider together what you have explored, what that means for each of you and how it might influence your daily lives.

 Play the track God Of justice, feat. Tim Hughes, Soul Survivor on We Must Go.

  • Ask the young people to stand in a line.
  • Allow a minute for the group to think about anything that might cause them to hesitate in following Jesus, e.g. fear or doubt.
  • Ask everyone to close their eyes, and if they want to respond to Jesus and follow him this week, invite the young people to take one step forward when they are ready.


Go with God 24/7

Think of something you can change, as a response to following Jesus: perhaps committing to reading the Bible or praying each day or showing kindness to friends.  


ROOTS at home resource

Before you finish, give out the ROOTS at home resource to encourage faith at home.

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Read our Spiritual Styles articles
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