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Related Bible reading(s): Mark 1.14-20

ROOTS at home

A new resource to help people of all ages go with God through the week


You may also need the following links:

Daily prayerMethodist_Covenant_Prayer_study.pdf



What is ROOTS at home?

A weekly resource packed with ideas to send out to your church community.

  • It offers a wide and varied range of activities for people to choose each week - e.g. things to make, bake, read, watch - helping them to engage with the Bible, grow spiritually, and form spiritual habits.
  • It's available as a PDF, so it's easy to distribute - email it, print it, or share it on your website.

Who is it for?

Ideas are usable across a wide range of ages - making it possible for households to do activities together.

The materials in ROOTS at home are completely different to the ROOTS weekly resources. This means that you can use the ROOTS at home resource in two ways:

  • to help those who have attended a gathering to explore ideas further
  • and/or to share with those who could not join you.

Supporting those with no Bible at home

On the back of each sheet, we provide both a children's and adult's version of the relevant Bible reading - and add an explanation where necessary. 

General information and website help
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020 3887 8916
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Unit 12, Branbridges Industrial Estate,
East Peckham TN12 5HF
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The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
© Copyright 2002-2024, Roots for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 2040-4832 and 2635-280X; Online ISSN: 2635-2818.
This resource is taken from and is copyright © 2002-2024 ROOTS for Churches.