Quick response game E
See how quickly we respond to a signal
You will need: a large cushion, a bell or alarm.
- Place a large cushion in the middle of the room and play the bell/alarm to the group.
- Encourage the children to move around the room in different ways, e.g. walk, run, hop. But also ask them to listen for the bell/alarm. When they hear it, the first child to touch the cushion is the winner.
- Repeat the game to see how quickly the children respond. Revisit the passage; point out that the fishermen responded immediately.
Make an invitation W E A
Create something to ask others to follow Jesus
You will need: folded sheets of A5 coloured card, pens, craft materials, stickers, glue.
- Give each person a folded A5 piece of card. Ask them to write ‘You are invited to follow Jesus. Will you respond?’ on the outside, and on the inside, write ‘R.S.V.P.’ leaving space for people to write (pre-prepare for younger children).
- Provide everyone with pens, stickers and craft materials. Ask them to make the card look like an invitation to the greatest party.
- Encourage everyone to take their invitation home and invite the whole family to write their names under the R.S.V.P. if they want to respond to Jesus.
Key to abbreviations for hymn book titles
I’m going to take a step of faith (CPR 87)
Find more suggestions on the Hymns, songs & music page.
Talk together and talk to God
Use these questions to discuss the Bible passage and then bring your thoughts together by praying to God.
Talk together
- Why is it sometimes hard to make decisions and respond immediately?
- How would you feel being asked to leave lots of things behind as the fishermen did?
- In what ways do you think we are asked to follow Jesus today?
Talk to God: Fish prayers E S
Make and pray about responding to Jesus
You will need: strips of coloured or patterned paper L10cm x W2cm, scissors, pens.
- Provide each child with a strip of paper and show them how to cut a slit about 1cm from either end, at opposite sides of the paper. Ask the children to write their name on one side of the paper and fit the slits together to make a fish. If the children hold the fish up and then let it go it should spin as it falls.
- Ask everyone to stand holding their fish and say the prayer together.
When you all say ‘Amen’ they can let go of the fish and watch them spin to the ground.
Jesus, we want to respond when we hear you call our names.
We want to live our lives with you.
We want you to be with us.