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Related Bible reading(s): John 13.31-35

Bible notes

John 13:31-35 - The new commandment

  • ‘Glory’ is a huge theme in John’s Gospel, but it can be difficult to understand, as we rarely think about it except in a sporting or military context. Here it has a very different meaning, because it is something that comes from God, not from human admiration, and it comes through suffering. Judas has just left to betray Jesus (v.30) and it is at this moment – the climax of his ministry when Jesus is faced with his death – that the ‘Son of Man’ is glorified (v.31).
  • Jesus calls his disciples ‘little children’ (v.33), suggesting that their discipleship is immature, but destined to grow in the future, as God’s glory is revealed through their suffering and sacrifice.
  • Jesus gives his followers a ‘new commandment’ to love one another, as he has loved them. This mutual love is hardly a new idea, as love of neighbour rings through the ten commandments. However, it is the way that Jesus loves that is new: through service, symbolised in the washing of the disciples’ feet (John 13.4-5), and loving people whom we might not choose to love, such as the woman caught in adultery (John 8.1-11).
  • Jesus’ commandment becomes reality in the powerful reading from Acts when Peter explains his love, even for Gentiles, based on his vision and encounter with Cornelius. He and his family accept the word of God and are baptised by the Holy Spirit. Whom might we be called to love?
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