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Related Bible reading(s): John 20.19-31

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In his resurrection stories, John is not worried that some accounts contradict others. When Jesus meets Mary at the tomb he tells her not to touch him, and yet when he appears to Thomas, he invites him to touch. It is a very significant story. Each of the miracles or signs in John’s Gospel is distinctive, offered with a clear purpose. We can probably identify with Thomas, and his response, conditioned by his feelings. He was not there; he has missed out on an experience everyone else is rejoicing about. That is alienating and excluding. Jesus repeats his visit to the disciples in the room (a repetition unique in John) and the experience is overpowering: Thomas worships Jesus. The story is very special: Jesus comes just for Thomas, demonstrating his love for him. We spend a lot of time as Christians listening to what other people tell us, about God, about Jesus, about faith. Sometimes, just sometimes, we might feel the presence of Jesus close, special; uniquely just for us. Will we respond in worship and say, ‘My Lord and my God’?

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