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Acts 2.14a,22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1.3-9; John 20.19-31


Bringing people to community

Adult & All Age

Prepare the space

Ideas for a focal point with adults and all ages

To reflect Thomas’ need to see and touch in order to believe, create a display with objects that are very visual or that rely on touch: some vivid photographs, a piece of Braille writing, touch-screen tablet computers or phones, some clay and children’s putty that can be shaped.

Gathering words

Gathering words on Jesus's appearance out of love for Thomas

Jesus appeared to the disciples in a locked room. Thomas, who was not present, says later that he will only believe Jesus is alive if he sees for himself. Out of love for Thomas, the risen Jesus visits the disciples and Thomas does believe because he has seen for himself.

A gathering prayer

Risen Lord, we gather...

Risen Lord, we gather as members of your family in…
Like your disciples, we are all so very different:
we have different personalities,
different friends and families,
but you gather us here, Lord,
and we ask you to make us one
as we join together in our praise and worship.

Children & Young People

Prepare the space:

Ideas for a focal point with children

Create a large symbol of peace in the centre of your space, e.g. lay coloured fabric to form a rainbow.

Gathering activity

Ideas for a focal point with children

Join hands in a circle around the centrepiece. Play the music of ‘Shalom, my friend’ and sing the following slightly different words, circling left for the first line and right for the second.

Shalom, my friend, shalom, my friend, shalom, shalom.

The peace of Christ I give you today, shalom, shalom.

A gathering prayer for children

Peace be with you

Jesus appeared in the upper room,
peace be with you.
He showed the disciples his hands and his side,
peace be with you.
They were happy that they had seen the Lord,
peace be with you.
Thomas was not there,
peace be with you.
Thomas did not believe,
peace be with you.
Jesus came again for Thomas,
peace be with you.
Thomas believed,
peace be with you.

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